Chapter 7~

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This is a continuation from the flashback
CW- Blood, murder

You slowly tried to force open your eyes, everything was spinning and you were laying outside on a rough patch of snow-covered grass. It was freezing outside. White snowflakes fell from the sky.

Somehow, you managed to sit up even though your whole body was aching and you could barely move. With your eyes half closed, you looked around, seeing your beloved orphanage left as nothing but a crumbled, barely recognizable building. You were left alone again.

"That Herrscher really went all out, man... this is the third time this week!" said an unfamiliar voice from behind you. Whoever it was cursed. "Dammit...And of course she's already gone."

You swiveled your head around. That was a mistake. Your head basically exploded with pain, and you groaned. That caught the attention of the person.

"Woah, you're a kid! And you're alive! You survived the orphanage attack!" the person exclaimed. "You don't look too good, though. You feeling okay?"

There was a pause. "Oh yeah, you probably can't talk. Poor you." A pair of arms wrapped around you and lifted you up. "You know what? You're a very cute kid. And since your orphanage has been destroyed by one of my organization's worst enemies ever, I've decided to adopt you!"

What? you thought, confused. But you didn't say anything because you couldn't talk to begin with. The person took your silence as an agreement. "Okay, cool! New recruit acquired!" they said happily, and carried you away.

That was sudden, you thought. But okay.


You were raised to hate Herrschers. And you had a good reason to; they'd destroyed your home. After working tirelessly for six years, you were given your first mission; to kill a Herrscher named Kiana Kaslana. Killing went against your beliefs, but you decided after a long time that you owed this organization your life. You couldn't just betray them.

It was snowing again on the day of your mission, bringing back memories of the day the Herrscher attacked your home, and you boarded a small helicopter that was going to fly you to the Herrscher's location.

You stared out the window, seeing nothing but snow-covered trees, and you thought, Should I really be doing this? You bit your nails and tapped your feet impatiently while leaning against a railing.

Time seemed to pass slowly. But at last the helicopter sank into the snow with a loud crunch. You slowly descended down the stairs, feeling nauseous, and a cold gust blew over you making you shiver.

The pilot of the helicopter looked at you. "Good luck," they said. "I've heard that the Kaslana girl is really powerful."

"Mhm," you mumbled, because that was all you could say. You walked away, bracing yourself for what you were about to do. Do your duty, you thought, reciting your organization's motto, let fate do the rest.

After a few minutes of walking in the woods, you saw a girl with white hair wandering around for no reason. At least, you thought it was for no reason. Little did you know, it was for firewood.

You checked your file of Kiana Kaslana, and the girl matched the picture exactly. That's her. Kiana Kaslana, you thought. Time to get this over with.

Taking out a small but deadly dagger from your pocket, you get ready to throw it at her. A ranged attack was safer. Despite the cold, you were sweating.

You took a deep breath, then threw the dagger at her.

It hit her right in the stomach. Right where you'd been aiming. Even though you'd been expecting it to hit where it did, you still turned your head away when you saw the handle sticking out of her body. You expected her to die quickly, but...

She just stared down at the dagger. "Ow, that hurts," she said, scratching her head. "Oh well...Man, I wonder where that came from."

You looked at her incredulously. What?! She just passed it off like it was a papercut! Must be a Herrscher thing....Okay, Plan B.

You hadn't wanted to use the sword that the organization had given you specifically for this mission, because you'd seen how it was used before, and it had been...messy. But you didn't have any other choice. So you took it out from its sheath.

You ran up behind the white-haired Herrscher, ready to finish this. She turned around, her eyes widening. "Wha—"

Her voice was cut off when you plunged the sword into her chest. She fell to the ground with a thud, the white snow around her becoming stained with red.

She was dying. But right now, she was still alive.

"I'm sorry," you choked out. Then you ended her suffering with a quick slash of your sword.

You stared at the limp body and hurriedly ran away.

(flashback ends)

Thank you @basil_fried_rice for helping me write stuff

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