Chapter 13~

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CW: stabbing + blood in the beginning

-Your POV-

The silver blade digs deep into the monster's skin.

Is there blood?

There's blood.

Dripping down her body.

It's red.


Or was it scarlet?

Either way, it's red.

Like a human's blood would be.

But the monster isn't human.

Not an animal either.

Instead, she is a bloodthirsty creature.

She threw her humanity away when she attacked your orphanage.

You push the blade deeper into her chest.

She deserves this.

Who knew revenge could feel so sweet?

Your manic frenzy continues, thoughts spiraling out of control, thinking about one thing and one thing only, and that was how the monster should die so she can't hurt any more people.

But there's one problem.

She's not dying. Why isn't she dying?! SHE SHOULD BE DYING!

You don't see her hand snake up towards you because you're kind of...distracted by other matters. But the monster's fingers curl around your sweater—the sweater that is the same color as her blood—and she throws you to the ground.

The last thing you see of her before you land is the stab wound...closing. Healing.

You hit the bridge with a thud, and the wind knocks out of you. Your Lunar New Year mask also flies off, showing your face for the whole world to see. A pair of feet in shiny red shoes are next to your head. You roll onto your back and see Mei's familiar face looking down at you in shock. You quickly roll back over again.

This can't be happening. I failed. Again.


"(Y/N)?" Mei's voice is so quiet that nobody can hear it but you.

You smile weakly. "That's me," you reply, equally as quiet.

Her expression softens a little bit, and she looks like she's about to help you up. But she ends up shaking her head. "Get out. Go away. Anything."

"Tempting, regarding the situation." You stand up and brush yourself off, trying to act nonchalant. "But no."

Mei glares at you. "(Y/N), you stabbed my mother! What do you have against her?!"

"Enough banter!" interrupts a booming voice. You tear your eyes away from Mei and instead focus upon her mother. She looks like her daughter, but infinitely more intimidating. You flinch when her eyes snap to you. "You. You stabbed me! What do you have against me?!"

Huh. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. But Mei is a lot better.

"Everything," you reply simply. "You ruined my childhood."

"And what do you mean by that, mortal?!"

"Do you literally not remember literally destroying my home?!" you yell. "The orphanage?!"

Mei's mom pauses, then smiling widely. "I do recall that was a fun time indeed. I've never liked small children that much and when I was forced to have one of my own, I must admit I never really lov—" She stops abruptly. "Oh, well. I suppose I said that out loud."

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