Chapter 5~

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Hello Mei nation I'm back from the dead 😱


-Your POV-

Has Mei found Bronya yet? you wonder as you lean against the wall. Also, why did Bronya look so terrified of me? That was a bit strange. You stand there idly, waiting for something to happen.

"(Y/N)!" cries a familiar voice, and you turn to see Mei running towards you with an unreadable expression on her face. "(Y/N), I have...I have something to talk to you about."

"Yeah? What is it?"

Mei bites her lip, not meeting your eyes. "Bronya told me something...something I don't want to believe. But since it was about you, I decided to ask you about it..."

From her expression alone, you can tell that whatever she has to talk about was not good. And that makes you nervous; had Bronya told Mei about your mission? But how would Bronya know about my mission? you argue to yourself. She doesn't know anything about what I've done...she doesn't know, right?

"What did she tell you?" you ask finally.

"She...she said that you...killed Kiana."

I don't respond. What?! How did Bronya know about that?! Nobody was there when I..., you panic. You think about your options: if you tell the truth, Mei's going to hate you and avoid you and make it impossible for you to carry out your mission. If you lie, Mei wouldn't know the truth about the death of her girlfriend, but she wouldn't hate you...

You hesitate, then finally decide to lie about it, even though it makes you feel wrong. "I don't know what you're talking about. I never killed or even met Kiana." You try to sound confused and as not suspicious as you could.

"O-oh...okay then." Mei nods uncertainly. "I'm sorry for bringing that must have been kind of weird..."

"It definitely was weird!" you say indignantly. "How could you even think of such a thing?"

"No, it wasn't my idea...Bronya just told me she" She trails off as she sees your sharp-as-knives gaze. "S-sorry...I shouldn't push it." She waves slightly, forces a smile and walks away.

You watch her go, mixed emotions rushing through you, so jumbled together that you can't tell what's what. You are filled with a whole lot of questions, like how Bronya knew you had killed you had thought before, nobody else had been there except you and Kiana.



-Mei's POV-

You ran back to your dorm without thinking.

There's no way (Y/N) killed Kiana, I tell myself over and over again. They said they didn't, so...

Yet something feels wrong. The way (Y/N) hesitated before giving their alibi, maybe? The way Bronya looked so genuinely terrified when she told me about what she had seen? Did Bronya or (Y/N) lie? I wonder.

And then I realize...Bronya has no reason to lie.

She's been my friend for a long time and would never lie to me, while (Y/N)...(Y/N) has known me for only a few days. They have all the reason to lie, especially with something as serious as the death of Kiana.

That paired with the hesitation, the guilt I had caught in their eyes at the cafe, the way they just ran away like that...It all adds up.

I still don't want to believe it. But I can't ignore it anymore.

(Y/N) killed Kiana. They must have...all the signs point to it.

As that notion sunk in, I start to feel horrified. I went on a date with my girlfriend's murderer. I'd hugged them. I couldn't believe that I was also looking forward to another date with them. Why did I ever think that I liked them?

I feel disgusted and I break down.

I sit there for a while, crying, and before I could realize the moon was already shining brightly above. I'm surprised that so much time has passed so quickly, and I go to my dorm to think about some things.

I don't want to accidentally run into (Y/N)..., I think worriedly. I don't even want to think about what will happen if I do.

And so, not wanting to go to school the next day, I stay home for most of the day, telling all of my friends that I feel kind of sick so they don't worry too much. The hours pass by and now I've run out of things to do...all my books have been read, I've made so many snacks I can't eat them all, and I've laid on the bed for hours on end; I'm getting really bored.

Maybe I should go work at the Valkyrie Cafe, I finally tell myself. That should take my mind off of things. Getting up, I change into a casual dress and go out the door, heading for the Valkyrie Cafe.

-Your POV-


After school you drag yourself back to your dorm; you're worried about failing your mission. Mei had suspected you...You never thought that would happen, at least not so soon.

You hear a knock outside of your dorm, hesitantly, you decide to open it.

A girl with gray hair that you recognize immediately stands in front of you,

"What is it, Fu Hua?" you glare at her, knowing Bronya probably told her about Kiana too.

"You know why I'm here, (L/N)," Fu Hua mutters, in her trademark cold voice. "Bronya told me something."

Just as I thought..., you think, unsurprised. "Mei already talked to me about this. It's not true," you say, trying not to stutter.

Fu Hua doesn't say anything but just stares at you. It starts to make you feel uncomfortable and you start to squirm.

"We can talk more later," she tells you as more people start to come back from school. "Meet me at Valkyrie Cafe at 5 pm."

You hesitated, then nodded. It would be suspicious if you declined. 


Thank you @basil_fried_rice ofc~

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