24: PTSD

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I don start watching K-drama... Jannah caused this and now I cannot even concentrate or write Ferdeausee_


He leaned closer to the table the doctor is sitting on, his hands folded together. "What is wrong with her doctor? We can get down to business now that you've finished reading."

Dr. Mujida dropped her reading glasses on the table and folded both her hands beneath her jaw as she stared at him closely. She tilted her head with a small smile emerging from the edges of her lips, as if she is reminiscing something from the past which she currently is doing. Her eyes are also smiling at him which he finds weird because how did he even know that her eyes are smiling? He just do.

"Can you tell me your name first?" Was her first question, her forefinger hitting the side of her aging pretty face. She looks like a foreigner who's been in Nigeria for awhile for whatever accent she might have is nowhere in sight.

Zayd frowned at that. He is worried sick wanting to find out what is wrong with Layla but this woman is just beating around the bush.

"Zayd." He whispered through gritted teeth with voice filled with harsh venom. He is only respecting her because she looks older than him, far older. And she looks like she knows something about him that he doesn't, something from the past.

A brilliant smile got smeared all over her face at the way he sassily answered her. "Oh, the sassiness is there. That part is definitely Fatima Babagana's, I shouldn't be surprised. You must get a part of her one way or the other."

"How do you know my mother?" He stared at the woman weirdly, trying to gauge out what the hell this woman is trying to do. And how does she know so much about his mother just by the way he's answered her question?

"You already look like your father and Fatima? Or Maah? FMB? Oh, I know her a lot. She's being my patient in the past but now, let's talk about my new patient." She opened the coral file in front of her again and started moving her fingers all along the important lines there.

"Yes please. Let's talk about Layla's condition."

"So she's fainted and it is the type of faint is called Vasovagal syncope. Vasovagal syncope involves the vagus nerve. It can be triggered by emotional trauma, stress, the sight of blood, or standing for a long period of time. Which of these do you think triggered her sudden lost of consciousness? I don't think it can be sight of blood or standing for a long period of time, it hardly happens or more like she's not that kind of person." She moved her swivel chair from side to side, looking at him pointedly.

"I found her in the shower cubicle. I think she was trying to take a shower when she fainted." He explained as clearly as possible to avoid further convolution.

"I would've thought it was a suicide attempt but she does not look like someone who would do that. That should root down to emotional trauma or stress. Which one do you think caused it? I want to be able to get to the main source of the problem before going further."

Zayd tried to think hard through things. He is trying to choose between those two things because he is the only one that can do it. "I think it is emotional trauma because I picked her up from the floor with traces of dried tears earlier in the morning."

Dr. Mujida frowned her brows together as she considered what he's just said. What she's concluded is actually right after all. "That is post traumatic stress disorder."

Zayd's eyes widened since he knows a lot about this disorder from his fellow soldiers after wars and other traumatic accidents. "Why do you think so? She just fainted. It happens."

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