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Two weeks passed in a blur without any of them saying a thing to the other. She tend to leave the house for her work and stay there for hours without ever feeling the need to come back home and when she does come back, she eats something and just go to her room. She sometimes eat from the office to avoid bumping into Zayd which has happened only a number of times when they are both going to their rooms.

She just came back from work after a long day there with Fatima Musa Babagana on her tail the whole time there. She wouldn't stop disturbing her and goading her to work so she can rest for the entire week. She's got the week off now, the remaining three days are for her to chill by herself with her friends while she continue to plan how things are going to go with her leaving the country soon. Just a couple more hundred thousands and she is gone and forgotten.

But right now, she is more hungry than anything. She went to her room and took a quick shower, changed into her favorite cotton tank top with cherry short shorts, her comfort outfit. She is going to try cooking something nice for herself today after a long time. She is nowhere near a chef but whenever she feels like eating something stellar, she goes to YouTube and browse something quick then she makes it. It always turns out great, more than she'd expect it to so she never stops.

She is going to make anything with chicken as that is what she craves. After searching long and only coming up with weird meal names, she settled on just chicken salad with onion and avocado dressing. She plugged her earpiece and got to work, roasting the chicken, cutting through the vegetables with professional moves of only a chef. She hardly works in the kitchen but whenever she does, it's always been perfect and that should be in her blood because her mother was an amazing baker back then.

Deep into her work as she dances to this new trending song by a really loved artist in Nigeria 'Buga by Kiss Daniel and Tekno' that is going viral all over the country or is it the world? Well, while she was dancing to the way he was doing the 'go low low low Buga o' she felt someone's presence right behind her, maybe just a few inches away from her. She raised a brow knowing no one would do that if not Zayd but why is he so close to her when there is nothing for him to carry on the gas cooker? She didn't turn around to find out, she continued working like he wasn't even there. Only one thing gave her off, the way her shoulders tensed.

A few minutes passed with him rooted there behind her then she felt him leaning in, so close to her that she had to grip the spatula in her hand so hard to stop herself from pushing him back. Her skin crawl in annoyance because she doesn't know where on earth he got the confidence to come this close to her when they haven't been talking for fourteen days. Why is she starting to hate this Zayd she's nurtured? She is fucking hating his arrogance and daring nature.

His nose on her sleek long neck was her undoing because she yawed around and pushed him back with all her strength. Since it was unexpected, he moved a few steps back then stood back up to look at her. God, he was one handsome man she noted. Looks like he just showered, his bronze skin fresh and beautiful, eyes wide and brown but those lips meant for sin shouldn't have looked so plump.

He's changed from his uniform and is now dressed in just straight jeans and blue shirt. He licked his lips and looked down to the floor trying hard to say or even do something but couldn't.

Layla on the other hand feels her heart palpitating at the sight of him, it's been awhile. She got used to him those days now that seeing him makes her heart flutter unnecessarily. All she wants to do is kick him and ask him why the fuck is he being weird and who gave him the fucking audacity to come this close to her. She chose not to react at the last minute because he looks like he wants to say something desperately, she will give him the chance to.

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