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Layla felt so embarrassed the whole time in the bathtub so she decided to leave the house to go and spend sometime in her own apartment all by herself. On her way out, her phone rang inside her hoodie pocket. She removed it and checked who it is only to let out a small smile knowing it's about time, she's been expecting Aslam's call since yesterday but he is calling just now.

"Aslahu Rasheed Babaganna..." She called the name in her Canadian voice that she used the first time they were introduced. She couldn't call his name and many others, only one person's.

"Layla Abd Al-Tunaij! I can't believe you did this without telling me. I'm seriously so hurt right now." Straight to the point, something she adore about him. If he wants something, there is no need hitting around the bush while painting the leaves white.

She smiled, kicked a stone in front of her with her worn out sneakers. "Getting married? I had to due to some medical issue and it shouldn't be delayed. I'm sorry you had to find out from someone but I told no one about it till now. So you're still the first person I'm telling this."

"I can't believe you really got married and that too to Zayd. What the hell, Lay? What are you up to this time around?" His voice swerved to that of teasing and understanding, it's something she's always loved too about him.

"I'm up to nothing. His mother proposed to me and I accepted because there was no other option. Enough about me though, what's up with you there in England? Anything interesting going on with your life?"

"I've been great here. Things are going smoothly but I'm thinking about coming back home for a long annual break." He sighed from the other end as though there is more he wants to add but cannot do so.

Layla immediately traced the despair in his tone. "What's wrong? Is it your mother again on your neck or it's something new?"

His mother who happens to the Teems mother, Nayla Fayyadh is a woman that is not easily pleased. No matter what you do, you can never please her and she hardly appreciates anyones effort especially her children's. Layla noticed that the only person that doesn't tolerate any sort of nonsense from her is Fatima Musa Babagana, she never does. And even Nayla respects herself whenever she is around her sister-in-law knowing just how fierce she is and how she can shamelessly strip you down in front of anyone.

She's heard Teems complaining about her time and time again but never interfered since there is no use getting in between mother and children, you will still be the outsider anyway. She is just always there to comfort Aslam whenever he feels depressed about it because why not? She wants to help him just like that. Even though she doesn't know how it feels to have one's mother not appreciating them just being by her side.

Aslam chortled a little before answering in a different tone. "Oh this is not about her. I'm just tired of this place but still don't want to come back and stay in Nigeria. Being around my mom makes me want to go crazy but I still miss home a lot. My siblings, dad, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, I want to see them."

"You are doing amazing just in case no one is telling you that. Just few more years and you will be promoted. Think about why you want and just go for it, forget about every other person but yourself. You deserve it." She blinked her eyes thinking about where the hell those words came from.

"Whoa! Who the hell is this? Is this Layla or someone else?" He laughed loud, really taking joy in jeering her up because hell, this isn't the Layla he knew. Advising him like a mature person with full sense? Oh no.

Married to Zayd for a day did that to her or is this some sort of prank she is trying to play with him? He should do what he wants without thinking of anyone else? What the fuck! Oh flying pigs, Layla is changing into another person he definitely won't like. She is not going to be a new vibe anymore.

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