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Wrathfully taking off a cuffed jeans from one of the many iron hangers she's bought from a hands down market, she wrestled her skinny long legs inside then went in search of a shirt to close her upper body because there is no time to look good now when her job just got yanked away from her without any warning or notice. She is fired? She will take care of a few businesses before she goes back to her stupid boss that loves money more than himself, she is sure of that.

But how dare he? How dare he do that to her? Is Zayd out of his mind? She's stopped crossing his way when she found out his mother was a sweetheart. The browbeat came to a complete halt, she even stopped looking at him for the rest of their high school days and after that, he left and she never saw him again. And suddenly he is back, he wants to start an old fight? He is not going to back down because he thinks he is now a soldier? She will show him just how it works.

She is no soldier, never permitted herself to go to university because there is no money and even though her friends' parents all offered her, she wouldn't accept. There is nothing more for her to do. Go to university only to end up not working? She's vowed not to exhaust herself for these worldly stuff, she is immune to everything related to the earth so that include her going to university and working to get money. As long as she can wear nice clothes and eat food, she is alright.

She wouldn't have completed the high school had it not been for her Aunt's last wish. She gave her enough money to leave the country, to continue running all alone since the only person that wanted to hide her also died. It was hard surfing through life alone but she is doing a nice ass job that her Aunt would've taken her to a new restaurant for a toast with not so expensive alcohol or beer and that will do. She'd do anything to get back her Aunt or parents alive.

With a deplorable smile, she browsed her wardrobe. A berry sweatshirt covered her upper half. Not bothering to close her recently dyed hair, she used the hoodie of the sweatshirt to close her head more like shield it away from the arctic bite of winter. Her feet are closed with her favorite frost sneakers that yawed alabaster due to being worn all the time, she plucked in earpiece blasting a new Nigerian song she's been obsessing over. She loves the musicians there over everything. Their songs makes you want to keep rocking on your heels wherever you are, especially the ones from Davido and Runtown, her absolute favorite.

Jamming to 'Activate by Stonebwoy and Davido' she continued down the street, hearing the growls of tumultuous insatiate dogs. It's just nine in the morning but she cannot wait to go to the Babagana x Al-Hakims estate to pour out her brininess on Zayd, bounteous of it. He just messed with the wrong person and she won't rest until he pays for what he's done. Dragging her down the mud the minute he decided to grace back home? Now a Captain, huh? He will regret this, she's done that before and won't hesitate to do it now.

Even though he has changed, it is a must! She hasn't seen him in years, it's better that way for she cannot help the urge to browbeat him if she sees him again now. Maybe not with strength but with something else, she will do it. She is Layla Abd Al-Tunaij, her father's daughter.

Deciding to trek the whole twenty minutes walk to the palatial side of Adamawa State, she slowed her pace to enjoy the cool morning breeze and busy streets filled with students, workers and whatnot. She bowed her head as usual and continued walking, a sign of someone hiding away from other people. She got used to it, she could never trust anyone. That is how her parents enemies decided to make her live through life, with presentiment of being immersed by them.

Arriving at the estate, Layla pressed on the small button outside and stated her name, the large door by the side of the gates opened by itself and she entered unceremoniously since she is used to it by now.

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