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Layla watched with disinterest as Fatima Musa Babagana trudged into the police station like she owned the place. Oh, she does actually. Her husband is the inspector general of police so all the police stations in Nigeria are way beneath them. Layla sighed, no wonder Zayd thinks he can do everything he wants. He is a Captain himself and his father is the IG of police even his grandfather is a respectable man all over Europe so what else does he need now for his head to swell some more?

Her eyes jumped from Mrs. Babagana to Lana's figure that's currently with one of the police officers talking about her bail. She refused to talk to anyone in the station and Zayd left immediately after he's explained her offense to the officers. She recalled how their bodies were shaking at the sight of him. A soldier and the son of inspector general of police, just what he needs to show her he's gone far. Well, it's not like she'd ever doubt that now but that doesn't mean she will sit back and watch, not her drill.

Fatima Musa Babagana talked to the senior inspector in charge and the bail was given instantly which causes Lana to glare at the Officer she's been begging for thirty minutes straight, even buying him Maltena outside with her money. Layla wanted to laugh but she is filled with too much rage to think about smiling. He's degraded her like no other person has the first day of their meeting after many years. He really should watch his back from now on because just like he's changed, she has too.

Maybe far more worse than he'd ever think.

She blinked when she felt someone's presence looming over her and she frowned. The perfume smells awfully familiar and only one person she knows uses it, Fatima Babagana, Chanel No. 5 perfume. Layla sighed, she cannot apologize to the woman and she better not expect anything from her or she'd end up terribly disappointed. She's never been used to those words having grown up independent, doing everything for herself without anyone's help.

"Why did you take my car?" Fatima questioned, her hands akimbo as if she is scolding her child instead of an employee.

Layla shrugged her shoulders. "I thought I should get the feel of it since you clearly are the one who's cut off that part of my life in the garage." She blamed her instead of accepting that she is wrong.

Fatima raised a brow, not believing the girl actually yawed the table on her face. "You are blaming me now?"

"I'm not. Just stating the fact." Layla deadpanned, swallowed thickly because the apology is right there in her throat but getting it to come out is trouble.

Still looking incredulously at the young adult in front of her, Fatima shook her head. She can't believe this girl, she's always taken her by surprise. "Why didn't you ask for it? I would've borrowed you without you going through so much hassle."

Layla rolled her eyes, looking anywhere but at Fatima in front of her. "That wouldn't have been fun. The thrill of knowing the owner of the car doesn't know I'm using it is different from the owner giving it to me willingly."

"But how did you get the keys? They were right in front of me on the desk?" The question that's been nagging her head. If she could recall, the key was even beneath her fingers.

Lana chirped in at that moment, she's been staring at them from left to right. "Are you asking Layyah that? You don't know how sneaky this girl is, that's why. She can still necklace from your neck and you won't even know, that sneaky. I think she is not really human but what supernatural creature can she be? A vampire? Nah, too bloodlusty. Wolf? Yuck, they are so gross. But what?" A glare shoot to her from Layla shut her up.

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