Chapter 16 - Protest

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"Sunscreen! It's new summer time, so everyone needs sunscreen!"

Chan was anxiously running around between his friends, offering sunscreen to whomever would listen. The sunscreen didn't really matter as much as what they were about to do, which Chan knew quite well. The eight of them were on a populated corner of the downtown district where Minho had secured them a permit. He also contacted his friend, who found him a very respected reporter and blogger in the modern media space who was willing to cover the story. The man with the salt and pepper hair approached them, and Minho recognized him based on the description.

"Are you Mr. River?" Minho called out, and Chan stopped his running around to hide behind Jeongin. He started shivering despite the heat, and turned Jeongin towards the interaction.

"Yes. Mr. Lee, I presume?" The man stretched out his hand for a handshake, which Minho professionally returned.

"Call me Minho, please. Glad you could come."

It seemed like Minho was the only one who didn't know Mr. River's identity and significance. Chan was clearly cowering in fear, while also holding Jeongin back from landing a punch. Though Felix has never met him directly, he has heard stories of the man's judgements and how they affected the lives of his friends. All eyes were on him as Minho turned to introduce him to the others.

"You ruined my life!" Jeongin shouted before Minho could even open his mouth. "You ruined my Channie's life. Why are you helping us now?"

Minho was incredibly confused. "You guys know him?"

"Just hear me out." He pleaded with them, his aging hands held out defensively. "I admit, I've made a lot of decisions that have affected a lot of lives..."

"No shit!" Hyunjin shouted, having to be held back by Felix.

"But I want that to change too!"

"Bullshit!" Seungmin muttered.

"Guys!" Chan still hid behind Jeongin, but peeked out from behind his shoulder to talk. "We have to remember why we're here! If he can get the story out, then we need to put our differences aside and figure it out."

The entire group fell silent, fiddling with the signs they had made the night before. They were surprised that Chan, who was probably destroyed most by the man's decision, would be the one to defend him. The bright sun affected each of them differently. Some barely noticed, while others were full on squinting. The warmth of the Earth that was dying beneath their feet hovered around them like a protective barrier. Minho folded and unfolded the permit in his hands and turned to Jeongin and Seungmin.

"So, what do we do now? You guys are the history buffs."

Seungmin beamed. "We make some noise and start some shit in a peaceful manner."

"As long as we have the permit and don't physically assault anyone, we should be fine." Jeongin followed up, shooting a look at Hyunjin.

"Fine." Hyunjin grumped, only really staying calm from Felix continuing to back hug him, rubbing his nose cutely between his tall friend's shoulder blades.

They held up the signs on the corner, trying to gain support from the drivers and passerbys. Their signs said various things, like "Everyone deserves help!" and "Give Superiors access to mental health resources!" and "The President's order is segregation!" Seungmin knew that wouldn't be as effective, but maybe there were other reading nerds who he could help at the library from seeing the word. There were some supportive honks from passing cars, but they were mostly ignored.

"I'm bored." Hyunjin frowned after an hour or so. "What impact are we really having here?"

"This is the closest I could get to the Senate building. Surely there are politicians who will see us." Minho ended up being a passionate protester, trying to engage as many people as he could when they walked by.

"So? They only care about their Superior lives."

Minho shrugged and looked a bit dismayed. "So did I until I met Sung."

"But I'm me!" Jisung chimed in, causing Minho to return a sad smile.

"Of course you are you, beautiful, but there has to be others like me who sense the hypocrisy but just need a push."

Minho put his arm around Jisung's waist, letting his own sign brush the ground while it hung off his hip. It said "I am Superior. I need help." If anyone who knew him saw this, it would potentially ruin his status in society, but he didn't care anymore. His faith in the system was shattered the day he met his cute little squirrel. They still weren't official, but Minho was willing to wait as long as Jisung needed to feel comfortable. Jisung gently pressed his cheek into Minho's shoulder, watching the cars and people pass by while holding his own sign to his chest. "My friends need help, and yours probably do too!"

In turn, each of the young men put their differences with Mr. River aside and talked to him about why they wanted things to change. For those who interacted with him at the center, he was as kind as they remembered him before he screwed them over. For those who didn't, they were wary of how this man hurt people they cared deeply about. As the sun set and the smog cleared, the group parted ways to their various living spaces.

No trouble was caused.

No one was punished.

Overall, the boys thought, it was a small step in the right direction.

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