Chapter 10 - The Speech

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Good evening.

What we have seen over this past week has been horrifying. So many people died for no other reason than who they were and where they chose to spend their time. The attack of mental health centers across this country is abhorrent. Many cities across this great country had their community livelihoods taken away from them in a flash. They should be safe spaces for those in need, and that is something we need to protect. The Final Evaluation and the system built around it was created to help curb mass shootings like the one that happened. It has worked so well these many decades, but perhaps it's time we take another look.

I have consulted with professionals about how to proceed so our children and young adults can feel safe in our society. We have used the metrics in the Final Evaluation to make sure of this. In order to protect those most vulnerable, it is time we re-evaluate the access system. Realistically, there is no way to stop crime for good. But in times like these, we remember that reinforcing a working system can only make it greater. Therefore, I will pass an executive order to restrict access to Sub-Standard spaces to those who do not belong there. Those with Superior mental health don't need those resources like others do. We hope this will free up staff to dedicate their time and efforts to those who are underprivileged. I will also start allocating funds to improving the security of Sub-Standard spaces and having authorities follow up on leads like this. The ball was dropped, and many lost their lives unnecessarily. The safety and health of the people should always take priority.

Our great nation is ever evolving. Social services and the help they provide are the backbone of society, and it should not be taken for granted. I pray for the families who lost their loved ones in this tragedy, and I will do everything I can while I'm in office to make sure this doesn't happen again. I encourage you to support those you love with Sub-Standard mental health, for they need our support more than ever, especially those who witnessed these attacks as they occurred.

Thank you, and good night.

(A/N: Kind of a shitty presidential speech, but I imagine the quality of speeches in 100 years over the course of a deteriorating world don't have the highest standards, so I'm not too worried about it. The book is going well, from my end of writing it at least! I'm working on chapter 31 at the moment, and still trying to keep a decent buffer since I'm along for the ride as well while I'm writing. Pre-planning has never really been my thing. Does that make me a P? Anyway, the next chapter kind of goes with this, so read that one too!)


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