So I guess he is tagging along after all, great.

Five or so minutes later and Milo is still quiet- on the outside atleast, which I'm grateful for. He seems in his head, I can hear his thoughts from here and I'm wearing earphones with the music full blast for gods sake.

I already know it's about the bruise, which I don't get. It's small and nothing, it's just a tiny little mark. Mark from my dad no less but he doesn't know that, maybe that's why he's stuck in his head. Trying to figure out why I lied- because he definitely knows it's a lie, and what it's really from.

But he's not going to find out, I'm never telling him anything like that, or anyone. No one needs to know anyway, it's not that deep. I make a mistake and my father sets me straight, that's just how parenting is. And anyway it's my fault to begin with.

I just need to keep my mouth shut.

My music slowly dies down as the short playlist I made comes to an end. I suddenly stop my bike and so does Milo, he looks at me with a questioning look and I rip my earphones out.

I don't know why I went out on a bike ride, maybe I just wanted to get away from my house. And now I am stuck with Milo for the day.

He gets of his bike and walks over to me, "what are we doing" I shrug and get of my own bike, sighing. I just wanted a little ride around to clear my head.

"We could maybe go to the cafe" he nods his head towards a small coffee shop and I look that way. I have nothing better to do so why not waste my time with him.

I roll me eyes sighing a 'fine' to which he grins at.


And that is how i found myself sitting at a pink booth in the cafe with a cup of tea in front of me, Milo sitting opposite me.

This is the same cafe we came to before, I turn my head when I hear sipping and frown at an oblivious Milo slurping away at his iced lemon coffee, which is disgusting by the way. He stares into his drink as he does so and I boot him on his knee under the table.

He squeals, nearly choking on his drink and cradles his kneecap under the table. He looks to me with a small scowl- of course it's a small one. Because when has Milo shown negative emotions. Oh right, when he's alone in his room, that's when he let's his real emotions show.

I roll my eyes at him, "pussy" I mumble and take a sip of my drink. He pouts this time, confirming my point.

"Hey, can't you be nice for once" he says in a whiney tone and it almost makes me laugh, does he know me at all?

"Once you leave me alone, yes" he tuts and leans back against the booth. I just carry on drinking my drink in an annoyed attitude, I don't like being out in public- because I hate people that is. I rather be home now, instead of the too well lit cafe with teens here and there.

I see his eyes look around us, examining people- and wow he is so nosy. I take this time to examine him. The clothes he wears, his attitude- like how he sits confidently with his arms strachey ontop of the booth as he looks out into the crowd of people.

Then I realise how totally opposite we are, his body language is more relaxed and he's spread out. I'm sat with a curved back- probably getting an old grandad body while at it, my head low as I sit my tea and avoid all humans.

His skin is tanned, sort of glowing from where the sun hits him through the window. His shirt hangs low on him, showing of his collar bone and his chains hanging around his neck. His neck which moves occasionally up and down from swallowing and soon I'm in a daze.

Through the windowWhere stories live. Discover now