you're perfect.

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JADA HAD ENDED UP GOING WITH SMITH TO SEARCH FOR THE HELMET. Harcourt didn't think it would be a good idea making her and Adrian go with each other since she didn't want them to get distracted. Economos made the case of Jada trying to kill Smith, but Jada assured them that she wasn't trying to do that anymore and Smith actually vouched for her.

"So..." Jada began to say, not knowing how to word the sentence she was about to ask. "You've hooked up with men before?"

Smith glanced back at her, not knowing why she was deciding to ask this now. "Yeah, a few times. You know, a guy's gotta fuck," he answered with a shrug, poking around bushes with a stick to try and find his helmet.

"Right. So...when I walked in on you that time with that girl and Adrian, you guys were—"

"Having a threesome? Yeah," he finished for her.

"So, you and Adrian..." she trailed off, not knowing how to word what she was trying to say.

"What?! Oh, God, no! That's disgusting, I would never. We just took turns on the girl and watched, that's all," Smith explained.

"Oh. Good. Okay," Jada said with a nod, even though the watching part was still odd.

"Why? You don't want Adrian to be half-gay or something?" Smith asked her.

"Oh, no, I don't care about that. I just wanted to make sure that you two didn't get it on before we ever tried to have sex. I wouldn't know if it would be a good idea if I touched Adrian if you've also touched him before," Jada clarified with a head nod.

"I thought you didn't hate me anymore," he remarked.

"Oh, I don't. But that doesn't mean I can't still think you're disgusting," she told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Wait," Smith said, looking back at Jada with narrowed eyes. "You and Adrian still haven't done the donut and the hot dog?" he questioned, making Jada scoff at his words. "It's a genuine question!"

"And why would I tell you the answer to that?"

"Because I told you've I've fucked guys before. So, now you need to return the favor and tell me if you fucked Adrian before," he explained.

"Okay, can we not say the word 'fucked'? It's so graphic. And no, we haven't. We came close once but then he passed out because we were wasted," she revealed. Smith stopped walking and turned to face her slowly before he bursted out laughing. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, continuing to walk past him; ignoring him.

"Of course Adrian missed the chance of a lifetime, that dipshit! Once a Thimble, always a Thimble," Smith commented before he started searching again.

"I don't even know why I'm talking about this with you," Jada muttered under her breath, peering beneath leaves and bushes. "Hey, you see anything, yet?" Jada called out after a moment, but Smith didn't respond. "Chris?" she said, looking over her shoulder to see that he was frozen in place with a fearful expression on his face.

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