this rundown italian restaurant needs you?

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AFTER SETTING UP THEIR THINGS AT THE CRAPPY HQ THAT WALLER GAVE THEM, the group walked into Fennel Fields, grabbing a booth as they waited for Smith to show up

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AFTER SETTING UP THEIR THINGS AT THE CRAPPY HQ THAT WALLER GAVE THEM, the group walked into Fennel Fields, grabbing a booth as they waited for Smith to show up. As they waited, Economos told them a story to pass the time since Smith was considerably late.

"So I forgot to close the balcony door, and when I came home, my living room was full of pigeons," Economos finished, causing Adebayo to start laughing.

Jada didn't even crack a grin as she stabbed at her pasta aggressively, not in the mood. "Are you kidding me?" Harcourt questioned from beside her.

"No, there was, like, ten of 'em, and they shit all over my couch," Economos told her.

"No, this guy," Harcourt pointed out, causing all of them too look out the window.

That's when they all saw Smith, wearing his stupid ass costume, getting out of his American flag colored car.

"What. The. Fuck," Jada said slowly in disbelief. How the fuck did this guy kill Rick?

Economos started to laugh out loud. "Did this dipshit really show up in full cosplay mode?" Economos asked, his eyes wide.

"This is the guy Waller's giving us? I told you she's fucking us," Harcourt told them.

"She's not fucking us," Murn assured them and Jada gave him a look.

"Is that an eagle in his back seat?" Adebayo pointed out in awe, making Jada scoff.

"She's fucking us," Murn changed his mind just before the bell chimed at the door, signaling Smith walking in.

He grabbed a menu from the hostess and walked over to their table. "Hey! Scooch," he directed Adebayo before he squeezed in next to her at the end of the booth. Jada glared at him from across the table, stabbing her pasta even harder than before.

"Why are you in your costume?" Harcourt immediately asked.

Smith scoffed. "Costume!? This is a uniform. And it's brand new, so I gotta stretch it out, make it more comfortable before I go on a mission," he told them.

"Maybe I'm stupid, but why would you even want wear that on a mission?" Economos questioned. "A bright red shirt and white pants aren't exactly conducive to lurking in the shadows."

"Yeah, it's like you're asking to be shot at. And if you are, I'll gladly do the honors," Jada said, feeling her holstered gun rub against her hip from underneath the table.

Smith looked at her before he picked up his menu. "People see this uniform, it strikes fear in their hearts," Smith relayed darkly.

"What people? The other people at the Village People tryouts?" Harcourt teased, causing Economos to laugh.

"Why is there a bald eagle in your car?" Murn asked, changing the subject.

"That's Eagly," Smith answered like it was obvious. "You guys ordered without me?"

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