more like a sociopath.

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JADA AND HARCOURT WALKED INTO THE ROOM WITH A PATCHED UP AND UNCONSCIOUS JUDOMASTER. Adebayo had ended up shooting the guy to 'save' Peacemaker after Judomaster had gotten loose, much to Jada's dismay. Jada glanced over at Adebayo, who seemed to have a worried look on her face.

Harcourt look at Jada before she sighed, pulling out a chair for her to sit down next to Adebayo. "And this time you didn't balk, huh?" Harcourt spoke up, ending the awkward silence.

"Do you think he's gonna die?" Adebayo questioned in concern.

"Hmm, probably," Harcourt answered honestly and Jada nodded and shrugged, not minding her bluntness.

"I'm not cut out for this shit," Adebayo admitted.

Harcourt sighed again. "The first time I killed someone, I didn't have my period for three months," Harcourt told her.

"And then it gets easier?" Adebayo asked.

"No, not really," the blonde answered.

"But it's good it hurts," Harcourt assured her.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want you ending up like Amanda Waller, where you would start treating human life like a piece of trash you could throw away at any second," Jada added onto the conversation, a peeved expression on her face at the thought of Waller.

Adebayo sucked in a breath at her sentence, not knowing how to reply to that. "None of this sits right with me," she ended up saying. "First, I manipulated Vigilante into going into prison and killing Peacemaker's father, and now this."

"Back up. What?" Harcourt interrupted.

"You sent Vigilante into jail to kill Peacemaker's father?" Jada questioned, her tone rising with every word.

" that bad?" Adebayo asked slowly.

"Dios mío."


"Every time I turn around, one of you is doing something fucked up! I thought Waller gave me soldiers! Instead, it's the fucking Apple Dumpling Gang!" Murn yelled once he found out what Adebayo had done. Jada scoffed quietly to herself, not knowing why she was the one being yelled at when she had done nothing. And, she couldn't help but think about what Harcourt had told her about Murn.

Economos started to laugh, "Classic pull."

"And who are the Apple Dumpling Gang?" Harcourt asked.

"Incompetent dinguses!" Murn answered angrily.

"But they always triumph in the end," Economos added smugly.

"Fuck you, John!" Murn shouted, pointing right at him.


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