that's my job, not yours.

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SMITH QUICKLY CLOSED THE WINDOW ON THE ROOF, being careful to make as little noise as possible since the police were right underneath them

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SMITH QUICKLY CLOSED THE WINDOW ON THE ROOF, being careful to make as little noise as possible since the police were right underneath them. The three of them then crouched behind some tree branches, trying not to be seen by the people below.

"What do we do? We can't stay here forever or else they'll find us," Jada whispered to no one in particular.

Smith looked around before he spotted another tree branch behind them that would lead them into the forest if they went on it. He nudged Adrian and Jada, gesturing over to the branch. Adrian and Jada glanced at each other before they followed Smith onto the branch, being as quiet as possible.

They climbed up on it, pressing their backs against the trunk so they wouldn't be seen by the police across the way. "Psst! Eagly," Smith called quietly since the eagle was still on the roof, playing with some plastic. "Eagly. Eagly! Eagly!" he continued, but the bird still wasn't listening. Smith then decided to whistle to get its attention, making one of the officers look over in that direction.

The three of them quickly hid behind the leaves of the tree, pressing their backs up even more against the trunk in hopes that they weren't already spotted. Eagly then flew into the forest.

They then watched as the officer made her way into the forest, holding up her gun as she looked around. Jada heard a knife being unsheathed from somewhere and looked over to see that Adrian had taken one out. She nudged his shoulder, giving him a wide-eyed expression.

"What?" he whispered.

"She's a cop," she mouthed to him.

"She's a cock?" Adrian asked, his brows furrowed.

"Who's a cock?" Smith questioned, looking over at the two of them in confusion.

"No. She's a cop," Jada murmured so that Adrian could actually hear her this time. Adrian looked down in disappointment, putting the knife away.

"We gotta get the fuck outta here," Smith said quietly.

"No shit," Jada replied, rolling her eyes. Smith then pushed off from the trunk and made his way over to another branch, hopping onto it, which made the leaves rattle. "What are you doing?" she asked, but Smith payed no attention. Adrian followed after him, also making the leaves shake.

Jada looked below to see the cop had pointed her gun up to that area, making Jada hold her breath as she stayed in the same position so she wasn't at risk of being seen.

"Come on," Smith mouthed, waving his hand over towards Jada.

She shook her head quickly. "She knows we're here," she mouthed back, staying in her position.

Smith shook his head in annoyance before he and Adrian started to whisper to each other. Adrian then began to make a big motion with hands, making him lose his balance and fall off the branch. Jada gasped as she watched him fall onto his back, smashing the jar that held Goff.

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