19: Mistake

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Aria POV:

I can't imagine it... I should stop cleaning for now... I could remember Mrs. Margaret telling me so. What wrong did I do... Well I cared less. I went into the cleaning store and picked up the long broom and the mopping stick with its bucket.

It's surprising to me that the way we all did chores had changed. I was told... The king changed everything. We no longer work like slaves.

I walked straight to the royal hall and I started to clean it. I couldn't just stay in the kitchen and do nothing... Besides there's nothing for me to do there since I've served the royal family their breakfast.

As I cleaned the royal hall I felt someone standing in front of me. Heavens don't let it be Joseph... I don't have time for his playful attitude. I looked up to see it was the king. King Anthony.

Oh heavens why him, he is even the worst offender.

"Good morning your highness".

"Good morning... I thought you were told not to any other chores except from the kitchen duties".

"Yes your highness". I answered softly.

"Now... Explain your actions". He asked staring at me closely.

"I apologies for disobeying your orders your highness... It wasn't intensional... But on a serious note your highness... I'm done with kitchen duties until noon. I can't just sit around and do nothing... And Besides cleaning the royal hall is one of the duty I was given when I arrived here". I elaborated.

He kept on staring at me but this time being amused. What is he amused about?

"I love the way you talk, you always have an answer to a given question and also know how to defend your answer. Nice". He complimented me.

Wait a sec... Did he just compliment me. That's scary, I was expecting a shout, a slap or an insult. Anthony complimented me. Oh my head is large now.

"Thanks your highness".

"After cleaning the hall I'm well assured that you don't have any other chores to carry out... Right?"

"Yes... ".

"When your done cleaning here, meet me in the garden".

"Yes your highness". I answered and he turned to leave.

I was tempted to ask him why but I'll have to give him some respect since he is talking to me nicely.

It's a good thing but I don't like it. What is this man up to? He apologised to me and also appreciated me after I helped him... Then when I broke down he was there to look after me... Suddenly he wants to be my friend... Why does he want my friendship? For heavens sake he's a king... If people got to know this.. They'll think negative things about me. I don't want this... I don't want that.

Once I was done cleaning I went straight to the garden. I saw the king sited on a bench. I walked up to him and asked.

"Why are we here your majesty?".

"Sit". He ordered.

He is always ordering someone. Without too much hesitation I sat down at the edge of the bench. He was sited by the left and I was sited by the right. Suddenly he shifted close to me.

What is wrong with this man. I also shifted away from him... Now I was been held by the handle of the sitting bench.

"Why are we here?". I asked for the last time.

"It might sound crazy to you but I want to know you better".

"You want to... I Aria... You... Me... This is hilarious"

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