10: Coronation

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Anthony POV

Its been more than 30 minutes since I arrived at the palace of kingdom of eternity and every maidens in this palace where moving in to and fro movement trying to prepare necessary things for my coronation.

I was now out of my room heading to my father's study room. I opened the door and stepped in closing it behind me. My father sighted me with an annoyed expression and I smirked.

The more I smirked the more annoyed he gets and holy heavens I love his reaction.

"Next time, knock before entering". My father stated with annoyance.

"That isn't necessary".

"You keep on getting more arrogant and nonchalant as the day pass by".

"That's my characteristics father". I answered now sitting on the chair facing his table filled with documents and files of the kingdom as a whole.

"Your action yesterday was indeterminate and disappointing, to I your father and the respective chiefs". Father said expressing his annoyance.

"I'm only uncertain if it's profitable to me and disappointing you all was sure profitable to me".

I replied monotonously and my dearest father was boiling in anger. He took a breath and replied.

"Son just return to your room, prepare for your coronation and read the chronicles of this kingdom, a lot have happened since you left 2 years ago".

I stared at him smugly then replied.

"Father I've done that a long time and revised on it".

"Seriously". Father asked skeptically with a bright smile

"Stop such doubts about me".

"Indeed I'm proud of you even though you're the most annoying being on earth". He replied proudly.

"That's your son".
"To clear your doubt about my action taken yesterday. I was preparing to return home, when kingdom of simplicity arranged assassins to attack me on the way home. Luckily for me I was able to notice this and restrain".

I defended myself.

"Why didn't you send a message to us immediately".

Father asked shocked by my news.

I shook my head negative and replied.

"If I did, my messenger would be killed and all their hopes would be, I'll definitely come by. So during the sunset my guards spread sleeping gas around their arena and boom we assassinated them all this early morning".

Father laughed out joyously being pleased with what he heard.

"Brilliant son, very brilliant. You've grown wings already".

"And those wings will take flight". I replied proudly.

"Go rest my son, in some hours time your coronation will start".

I nodded my head, stood up from the chair and left his study room heading to my own room.

I'm here now, once I'm being crowned king, every single thing will all change.

And when I mean change I mean for good. Everyone in this kingdom will strive to live, especially the royal maids in this palace, I'll make them suffer.

Why? You would ask.

This women have brought kings down, they have destroyed royal homes and caused a lot of troubles for the royal kingdom at large and they all deserve to suffer and experiences better sense of life and I'll definitely be the cause. All royal maids are same, they are all home breakers.

The Royal Maid ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ