13: He's Mean.

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Aria POV

Such arrogance, very proud full, disrespectful human and also very mean. Was it my mistake to give you my reasons, when have it become a crime to defend and have your rights.

He was unable to make me look like a hypocrite but successfully made me feel like a slave. I feel disgusted using my own toothbrush to brush the floor. I started all over and I'm done.

My mind and body aches. My head is already spinning after the arrogant slap he gave me. I knew once he was crowned king, things will definitely change.

We all royal maidens now works like slaves, what a pity.

I got up from the floor once I was done cleaning and parked up my cleaning agents. You would wonder how large the royal hall is, such hall can contain 2 thousand people and it became a punishment to clean it with a toothbrush.

Mrs. Margret walked into the royal hall with an annoyed expression. She walked towards me and before I could utter any words, she slapped me on the face. I immediately stared at her with shock holding my face as tear filled my eyes.

"Aria what was wrong with you?" Mrs. Margret asked angrily.

"Nothing, I was trying... "

" Just keep shut. Don't you ever challenge the king till death, don't you ever prove your rights in front of a king. What so ever it was you'll forever be a servant and he is higher and greater than you in many ways, talking back to the king without been told to, is a sign of disrespect. Even until you die no one will pay you respect the way they pay it to a king. Respect yourself and the king".

She said and left me there to be the victim.

This was the highest insult I've ever received. I'll forever be a servant and he is greater and higher than me in many ways. It was never my wish to be a maid. All of you in this palace are career killers.

I'm been insulted because my father isn't a king, I'm insulted because I don't have a royal tittle or because I'm not a princess. Even till I die no one will pay me respect, was that a cause or something else.

I never knew Mrs. Margret could be like this. In seconds tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably. I clean my tears and went straight to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

I won't shed tears for people who doesn't deserve it. I won't show any sign of weakness before them. I'll keep fighting for myself.

I got to the kitchen did the necessary. What we prepared for the royal family was rice and vegetable stew as the maidens placed it on the tray ready to serve it.

"Aria... Aria".

Lucy called out for me rushing into the kitchen.

"Yeah". I quickly answered.

"The king wants you to serve the food in the royal dinning room now".

"Why". Was my immediate answer.

My heart was beating hard on my rib cage. I have never served food for the royal family, why now? Or is he asking for my presence to humiliate me once more in front of his family. Oh god I've taken my correction, I'll never challenge the king till death.

"That's his order Aria". She replied.

I gulped so hard and carried the tray of food as my hands kept shaking. I went straight to the royal dinning room to see all the royal family sited including Mrs. Margret. I walked straight to the the dinning table as the king stared at me carefully.

Just his stare looks like he was going to tear me into pieces. Immediately Kiran sighted me, he kept smiling at me, the king mother looked at me emotionlessly and the king father stared at me with and expression I didn't understand.

"Father this was the maiden I called my friend". Kiran said with a big smile.

"That's not bad". Kiran father complimented.

I quickly severed them their meal and turned around to leave.

"Stop right there". I heard king Anthony orders.

All his good at is to order people around. I slowly turned around to face him.

"Retreat your movement and stand behehehind Mrs. Margret". He order again.

I slowly walked back and stood behind Mrs. Margret.

"Once we are done eating, you'll clean up this place".

"But your highness I've got..."

"Shut it, I never gave you the permission to talk back. Whatever duty you want to carry out most be after this, so stand and be dumb". He said as he began to eat his food.

You're so mean. Such a mean person you are.

Once they were done eating, I hurriedly cleared the dinning room and went out to the end of the garden to get fire wood to prepare dinner for the royal family.

The king just made me work the most here. I quickly fetched the fire wood and served myself food to eat, I haven't eaten since morning and I was starving already. Ready to place a spoon of rice in my mouth someone called out my name, what's it again?

"Aria... Aria dear... " Sarah called out.

"Yes". I answered tiredly.

"The king said once you're done fetching fire wood you should always arrange another bundle".

"Okay once I'm done eating, I'll do that".

"I'm so sorry dear, he wants you to do it now".

What is wrong with this man, why does he want me to struggle, there are other royal maidens but why have he chosen to make me live miserable.

"Aria you've... "

"I've heard you... " I answered a bit huffy being frustrated.

She stared at me with pity not knowing what to say.

"Sorry Sarah for such attitude, I'll be on my way".

I said and dropped my untouched food heading to the garden.

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It's been almost a month and the king kept on giving me hard times. He doubled my misery by making me to fill a drum of water every morning. I hardly eat because of this duty, if this weren't done, death was my middle name. At least I appreciate him for not letting me to stand in front of the royal family everyday at the dinning room.

Right now I was in the kitchen rushing my food, I missed morning meal and I wasn't ready to miss this one.

"Aria calm down you might chock while rushing your food". A maid said.

And I just nodded my head not wanting to reply. She won't understand the person I'm dealing with.

He's a meany. A mean person in and out. He has a mean personality. I'll keep calling him this until I'm satisfied. He's mean very mean.

Aria is really facing it?

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