They said...

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"Winter is coming." - Eddard Stark

"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives." - Sansa Stark

"Fear cuts deeper than swords." - Arya Stark

"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone." - Tyrion Lannister

"If you only trust the people you grew up with, you won't make many allies." - Jon Snow

"All my life men like you have sneered at me, and all my life I've been knocking men like you into the dust." - Brienne of Tarth

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." - Daenerys Targaryen

"I'm sure cutting off heads is very satisfying, but that's not the way you get people to work together." - Sansa Stark

"You need to take your enemy's side if you're going to see things the way they do." - Tyrion Lannister

"I know Death. He's got many faces. I look forward to seeing this one." - Arya Stark

"I don't want it." - Jon Snow

"Some wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word." - Ned Stark

"Everything before the word 'but' is horseshit." - Jon Snow

"A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep." - Tywin Lannister

"If you think this has a happy ending you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton

"Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king." - Tywin Lannister

"Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe." - Arya Stark

"A ruler who kills those devoted to her is not a ruler who inspires devotion." - Tyrion Lannister

"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." - Cersei Lannister

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour, and it can never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion Lannister

"A Lannister always pays his debts." - The Lannister motto

"No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish. I'll assume it was something clever." - Sansa Stark

"Nothing fucks you harder than time." - Ser Davos

"Gingers are beautiful. We've been kissed by fire." - Tormund

"It is beautiful beneath the sea, but if you stay too long, you'll drown." - Three Eyed Raven

"I failed. Good. Now go fail again." - Ser Davos

"Not today."- Arya Stark

"My name is Arya Stark. I want you to know that. The last thing you're ever going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die." - Arya Stark

"Power is power." - Cersei Lannister

"I am not your little princess. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the blood of old Valyria and I will take what is mine. With fire and blood, I will take it." - Daenerys Targaryen

"My watch has ended." - Jon Snow

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