First kiss

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Jon Snow:
It would be a big deal for him. He had never been with a girl before in any way, not even in kiss. He would be unsure of what to do, but would become engrossed in the moment once instinct took over. It would probably happen a few weeks after you admitted your feelings.

Robb Stark:
Right after you both admit your feelings he would draw you in for kiss. It would be rushed and passionate, slightly heated from the anger he was still feeling. But more than anything it would be special. A kiss like the one you shared was unlike any other kiss you would have. It's the type of kiss you only get to have once.

Joffrey Baratheon:
After a small council meeting, you were leaving the palace with Littlefinger. Joff pulled you aside and gifted you a beautiful necklace, with his promise of love. Along with that, he gave you a kiss. Gentle and kind, and full of possibility.

Ramsay Bolton:
You were still quite weary of him on your wedding night, but that is indeed when you had your first kiss. However, that was the last time he would kiss you for quite a long time. Until you knew he had given up on his old ways.

Theon Greyjoy:
The little trickster thought he had gotten the better of you. He thought that you would never look for him up in a tree whike playing hide and seek tag. Oh but did he think wrong. He almost fell down to the ground below when you spooked him from the tree branch above. After you had recovered from your laughter, you would place a kiss on his lips, before promptly saying "not it" and running away.

Jaime Lannister:
It had taken months to get through to you. After what happened with Cercei, you took every possible precaution to keep from being alone in his presence for too long, but finally, he had his chance. Before you could say anything, he had your face in his hands, and was placing a quick and desperate kiss on your lips. "Y/n...I don't want you to be afraid...ever." "You can't protect me from the Queen." "I can...and I will."

Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane:
He hadn't initiated it. You came down the stairs, but paused a few steps up so that you were nearly level with him. Then suddenly you pressed your lips to his. He was shocked, and stood frozen in place. When you pull away you would cup his face in your hands and wait for him to come back to reality, which would lead to him nodding briefly and walking away promptly. You wouldn't be surprised and you wouldn't be disappointed. It's progress for him, really.

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