● Dating Jaime Lannister would include

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Waking up to Jaime playing with strands of your hair.

Passionate kisses all the time.

Forehead kisses when the two of you are alone.

Jaime being open with you.

The first night he opened up to you about his past was such a step forward in the right direction for him.

The fact that he could tell you about the things he has done and not turn you away was so life-changing.

He couldn’t feel more lucky about having you by his side.

Teasing each other wherever and wheneverI’m talking in public, at dinner, in bed.

He will tease you and you will tease him at every chance the two of you get.

It’s all loving teasing, of course.

Tyrion low-key shipping you and letting little comments fly about it every-now-and-again. 

When he found out that the two of you were together, he was so happy for the two of you.

Tyrion is just glad that Jaime is happy for once in his life.

Jaime would never let anyone hurt you. 

And he has a habit of getting jealous.

Whenever he does, however, you will just smile and tell him that he is the only one that you love and the only one you will ever want or need.

Holding him close when he has a bad day.Letting him just get everything off his chest with you.

In these moments, there always has to be some kind of physical contact.

You might hold his hand or place a hand to the side of his face to let him know that you are not going anywhere and you love him with everything that you have.

The two of you can just be yourselves around each other.

Jaime knowing that he can always go to you for advice and guidance.

Jaime will place a hand on your leg under the dinner table. 

Jaime will have you read things to him.

This is not just because of his dyslexia, but also because he can’t help but love the sound of your voice.

Jaime being obsessed with your laugh.

When he hears it, he can’t help but realise just how lucky he is. 

Sex is very passionate.

Before he met you, sex always seemed to be rough.

But now with you, it is slow and sensual, so he can feel every part of you and let you know how much he loves you.

This isn’t always the case when it comes to quickies though ;)

And they happen OFTEN.

When it comes to children, he aims to teach them to be better people than he used to be. 

He is always constantly fearing that he will be like his father.

You reassure him that he makes an amazing dad and that your kids are so lucky to have him as their father.

Your adorable little children love their father so, so much.

You and your kids being the centre of Jaime’s world. 


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