How they talk dirty to you

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Jon Snow:
When it comes to talking dirty to you, he'd be quite shy and nervous, hence having nothing but loving words. He'd have a hard time to be teasing and would always end up letting you take the lead when it would come to that. He'd be more on the passionate side, describing how beautiful you are and letting his actions be louder than his words.

Joffrey Baratheon:
When it comes to talking dirty to you, he's an utter filth and flirt, and it only gets worse whenever he's had a few drinks beforehand. He'd constantly be teasing and playful, wanting to make you beg for him and make you understand that you at his mercy completely. Even, when things would get romantic, he'd still take his time to make you blush about.

Ramsay Bolton:
When it comes to talking dirty to you, he'd come off as utterly dominating and commanding of you, yet his tone would be just as playful and leaving you in wonder as he would most of the time. He'd make you realize how each part of you belonged to him and would have no problem degrading you for how willing you are for him.

Jamie Lannister:
When it comes to talking dirty to you, he'd be rather cocky and teasing, wanting you to understand that you're his to do as he wishes, only to tone it down whenever he gets possessive. He'd just feel comfortable enough with you to let himself loose and wouldn't mind having you try to tease him back.

Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane:
When it comes to talking dirty to you, he can be just as vulgar as he usually is during the day just as he can be soft and caring of you. When things would start off rough or he's simply moodier than usual, he'd degrade and cuss at you, making you realize you were his to use. However, as soon as you're loving, he'd suddenly get rather nervous yet his feelings for you would show.

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