Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Cassie laughed for the third time "Whose the one that's been watching too much t.v."

Lucifer paused for a moment; he neglected her insult "Cassie. Why did you come to me?"


"The first time you and I meet, why did you come to me?"

Cassie shrugged.

"You and I shared a moment than you refused to acknowledge that it was a dream instead you returned the next day and continued to return before you stayed. You stayed with me. Why do you think that is?"

Cassie shrugged again.

"There's something inside of you that's begging you to find, and you found it in me. You found it because no one else could give it to you. That child is born out of loneliness and curiosity. That baby will grow to be a monster."

"Like you?"

Lucifer froze, he had lost his train of thoughts.

"You took me by the hand, you blinded me with beauty and love, you filled my mind every waking moment."

Lucifer couldn't find his words to fight back with.

"Before I meet you I was the loneliness seventeen year old on this planet. I craved attention, I craved love, I craved.." She could feel her throat burning as her words spat out, she could feel her eyes water as she admitted out loud that she had no one once Michael left, she believed her world had revolved around him when he left.

"You craved something that no one had gave you. The way you came to me because I was the one who could fill your desires. You didn't wish your soul away, you wished for a life like many others. You didn't sell your soul to me instead you gave your soul to me by choice."

Cassie lowered her gaze to her stomach.

Lucifer and Cassie turned their attention to the front door as it opened, they watched as Toni carried in groceries while Michael carried in two bags filled with baby items.

Michael placed the items on the lounge as he studied Lucifer, he sensed that Lucifer was the baby's daddy.

Toni glanced at the man she had meet once before, her mind refused to admit who he was too her.

"Michael, Lucifer. Lucifer, Michael." Cassie reluctantly stated.

Lucifer studied Michael "Michael?"

"Not your brother" Cassie admitted.

Lucifer ignored Cassie's words as Michael struggled to understand.

"Michael is my boyfriend, Lucifer. His helping me raise my baby."

Lucifer throw his gaze at Cassie.

Cassie fixed her gaze on Lucifer.

Toni turned her attention to Lucifer "Ah. So you're the one."

Lucifer slowly let his gaze shift to Toni, he blinked his black eyes at her.

"Oh, Lucifer! That's right." It was as if the thought of meeting Lucifer had finally returned to Toni's mind "I was telling Cassie how much of a charmer you are."

"His the baby's father, isn't he Cassie?" Michael questioned.

Cassie nodded.

Michael refused to take his eyes off Lucifer "This man took advantage of you. What his like 100?"

"Couple of billions years old" Lucifer corrected.

"Not the point, Lucifer." Cassie gritted through her teeth.

Toni watched the two males "Michael, don't. You knew this was going to happen."

"How am I not surprised that your okay with this man? His old enough to be Cassie's dad."

Toni stared at Michael "Don't start on me, Michael."

Cassie walked away from the three of them, she ignored them as she walked up to her bedroom. Closing her bedroom door behind her.

Lucifer took it upon himself to walk up to her bedroom, Michael rushed up to him.

"I wouldn't even dare." Michael stated.

Lucifer stared down at Michael "Well, little brother. Shall we settle this the old way?"

His words had confused Michael "I'm not your brother."

Red flickered in Lucifer's eyes "You have no right to tell me what to do. Now out of the way."

Michael stood his ground as he stared into Lucifer's flickering red eyes.

Lucifer gritted his teeth.

Michael held back his fear.

"I'll make your life a living hell if you don't stand down."

Michael didn't budge at the threat.

Lucifer's flickering red gaze stayed on Michael's eyes.

"All you've done is ruin her life." Michael breathed.

"And you think your prince charming." Lucifer smirked "You certainly weren't there when she needed you the most."

Michael felt his jaw lock with tension "Your nothing but a creep."

Lucifer let a smirk slip across his lips "At least I know what I am. I'm the Devil, himself."

Michael burst out laughing.

"Michael, enough." Cassie's voice barely broke through their words as she blocked her bedroom doorway.

Michael and Lucifer turned their attention to her. They both noticed her tear stained cheeks.

"I didn't tell you Lucifer because you didn't need to know." She sniffled.

Lucifer felt the words stab his heart.

"What we had was superficial. You blinded me with what I thought I wanted."

Lucifer swallowed his pride.

"Michael, I loved you, but you and I can both tell this doesn't seem right."

Michael felt his heart sink.

"I think I need to do this alone."

Lucifer and Michael both felt lost for words. They both felt their world in front of them shatter.

Toni stood at the end of the hallway, she looked at the three of them "I think it's time the two of you left now."

Michael didn't put up a fight as he walked out of Cassie's house.

"Please, Lucifer." Cassie softly spoke.


Cassie shook her head.

Lucifer dragged his heels as he stepped out the front door.

Cassie ran into her mother's arms, Toni held her daughter tight allowing Cassie to cry into her arms. 

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