Chapter Eleven

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It was as if time had moved differently when Cassie returned home, she felt like the day light she had seen before she entered hell had moved too quickly, the night sky shone brought over the streets as Cassie stepped into her home.

Toni looked up from her plate of food as she sat cross legged on the leg with the t.v. on the news "I see someone got laid."

"Ew, mother." Cassie dropped herself down next to her mum.

"Don't ew me, We both know that you're going to get some eventually."

Cassie leaned her head back on the lounge.

"Do I know him?"

Cassie ignored the question.

"You are using protection, right?" Toni scrapped her fork over the spaghetti sauce on her plate.

"Do we really need to have this talk?"

"Do I really need to be a grandmother?"

Cassie tossed a glance at Toni "I didn't have sex, alright."

"Cassandra, there is no shame in sex."



"Please, no." Cassie wasn't embarrassed by the topic of sex, she was just embarrassed to have the talk with her mother. "We had the talk at school, pretty sure whatever you have to say won't make a difference."

"Did they teach you about condoms?"


"Cassandra don't mother me. I'm serious. If you're going to come home late than I need to make sure that my little girl is being safe."

Cassie rose up to her feet "It's not late."

"Cassandra, it's the 9.40 news."

Cassie tossed her glance to the news program; she hadn't realised that it was almost 10pm.

"Cassandra, I don't care if you come home late. Just call me, so I know your safe."

"Oh, now you want the mother of the year award."

"Cut the bullshit, Cassandra."

Cassie rolled her eyes as made her way towards her bedroom.


Cassie slammed her bedroom door shut.

Toni sighed with frustration as she placed her plate and fork down on the coffee table.

Cassie sat down on her bed; she slipped her phone out of her bag.

She stared at her phone before glancing up at her bedroom door.

Cassie chewed down on her lower lip as she opened her text messages, she opened the messages sent from 666.

Can I come back down now?

She pressed send without a second thought.

Cassie jumped a little as a small ring of fire appeared by the side of her bed. Her eyes widen as she silently prayed hoping the flames wouldn't set off the smoke alarms in her house.

She watched as a small part in the circle of flames slide open, revealing stairs.

Cassie held tight on her phone as she stepped through the flames, she stepped onto the stairs. She rushed down the stairs, not giving a second thought to her mother's words.

Cassie ran along the black floor as she silently prayed to herself, praying to find Lucifer rather than get herself lost in a maze of red walls.

She smiled a little as a golden door opened itself, she ran straight into the room.

She smiled a little more as she noticed the four-post bed with silk sheets sitting in the middle of the room.

"Lucifer?" Cassie's voice beckoned as she stepped towards the bed.

"I'm here." She heard his voice whisper in her ear as his hands ran down the side of her arms.

Cassie felt his lips on her neck as she allowed herself to get lost in the moment.

Cassie rested her head on his bare chest as he adjusted the bed sheet around the two of them

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Cassie rested her head on his bare chest as he adjusted the bed sheet around the two of them.

The flicker of the fireplace being the only source of light in the dark room, being the main source of warmth for Cassie as Lucifer held her in his arms.

Lucifer could hear her thoughts, the ones that felt conflicted over her version of reality and the one she needed to be part of. He felt her loneliness, he felt her beg for a form of attention that she hadn't gotten in ways she wanted.

Lucifer kissed the top of her head; Cassie smiled a little.

He rested his chin on the top of her head as Cassie felt safe in his arms, she felt like she belonged to this moment for reasons she had yet to discover.

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