Chapter Five

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Cassie woke in her bed, her eyes searched around her room.

She didn't understand what happened.

Did her mind come up with a vivid dream or did it happen? She could've sworn she had explored the city. She could've sworn she was with a man; she could've sworn she was awake but her mind refused to believe it was anything but a dream.

Cassie reached for her phone, she struggled to see the phone screen as the brightness of the screen blinded her.

She looked at the new message notification.

She clicked it, watching as the message opened.

Morning Prophetess,

Cassie seemed confused by the message.

She glanced up at the phone number from the message 666.

Cassie was pretty sure one of her mother's many lovers was playing a trick on her.

She rested her head back on her pillow, she lowered her phone by her pillow. 

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