Chapter Twenty-Six

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Cassie sat on her bed as she listened to the front door open, she gripped her phone tight as she heard her mother say, "Cassandra's just in her room, give her a moment."

Cassie heard the front door close.

She needed to work up the courage to tell Michael, she needed to tell Michael. They had only been dating for a month, an incredibly slow month but for a month, nonetheless.

"Looking handsome as always." Cassie heard Toni speak.

Cassie rolled her eyes as she rose to her feet, she didn't understand why her mother always chose to attempt to hit on people Cassie was interested in.

She slowly made her way out of her room and down the hallway.

Michael sat uncomfortably on the lounge, he looked up and smiled as he noticed Cassie. He watched as she shied her gaze away from him. He watched as she sat away from him on the lounge.

"I'll give you two lovebirds a moment. Just make sure protection is used." Toni let her words sink into the lounge room as she made her way towards the laundry.

Michael ignored Toni as he watched Cassie.

Cassie slowly lifted her gaze to Michael before dropping her gaze to her lap.

"Cassie?" Michael sensed something was wrong even though Toni's words didn't seem like there was. He had noticed how interesting their relationship was, but he had put it down to the fact the two of them were just discovering how to no longer just be friends.

"Do you want kids?"

"What?" Michael felt thrown off by the question.

"Do you want kids, Michael?" Cassie kept her gaze in her lap.

"Cassie, your funny. Maybe one day but not now. Come on, you can't be thinking of this now. Right?"

Cassie lifted her gaze to Michael, he noticed how serious she looked.

"Cassie?" Michael cleared his throat as he fidgeted in his seat.

"Please don't be mad."

"At what? At us talking about something like this. Cassie, We only just left school. Pretty sure we have so much more to explore." Michael tried to find his argument "My parents would freak if we had kids now."

"Olita would love it though."

"I don't care what my grandma wants now. Kids, Cassie, kids."

"Michael, I'm pregnant."

Michael burst out laughing "You can't be. We haven't. That's not how babies work, Cassie."

"I know that Michael, I'm not stupid."

"Didn't say you were." His face dropped "Before we started dating. You said you were with someone. It's his, isn't it?"

Cassie nodded slightly.

Michael breathed heavily through his nose as he though of his words "My parents are going to be so mad."

"At you or me?"

"This isn't funny, Cassie." Michael freaked out.

"Michael, they won't be mad at you."

"They will be because they had high hopes for us. You had to ruin it."

"I ruined it!? How did I ruin it!? It wasn't exactly like I planned this. Do you really think I wanted this? You think I tricked you into dating so that when I found out that I could lie and say it's yours!? Michael, we haven't had sex! The most we've done is share the same bed. You think I'd be dumb enough to let you believe I was pregnant with your baby!?"

"Christ, Cassie! This is serious."

"Alright, that's enough." Toni's voice echoed down the hallway as she stepped out from the laundry "I thought the two of you could sort this out calmly." She walked down the hallway "Michael, do you love my daughter?"

"She's got someone else's kid."

"Michael. Do you love my daughter?"

Michael stared at Cassie.

"Yes or no." Toni stated.

"Yes" Michael stated softly.

Cassie dropped her gaze to her lap.

"Cassandra fucked up. Don't torture her. She already knows she's made a mistake; you think this is easy for her? No. It's not. You can't sit here and say this is all her fault." Toni started to protect her daughter "We can work something out. If you still want to continue dating my daughter than you will have to deal with this too."


"No but, Michael. I'm not going to sound like your parents and tell you to marry my daughter. What I will say is that you have a choice to make, step up and play the father or just go back to being friends."

Michael watched as tears began to roll down Cassie's cheeks, he watched as she wiped her cheeks.

"I can help Cassandra hide this from your family, but you have a choice to make. The next time you step into this house, I want to know your choice."

Cassie was too scared to look at Michael as tears continued to fall down her face.

Toni watched as Michael sat in silence, she assumed his mind was ticking with what had just happened.

Michael rose to his feet; Cassie felt her heart drop.

Michael sat down next to Cassie and wrapped his arms around her "I love you, Cassie." He kissed her tear covered cheek "We'll do this together."

Cassie lifted up her teary gaze "You serious?"

Michael nodded.

Cassie rested her head on his shoulder as tears continued to fall.

Toni smiled a little. 

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