Bonus - "Promise for the Future"

Start from the beginning

"What?" Knitting my eyebrows together, I snorted. "Do you want it or not?"

"I want it!"

Elatedly, he took it into his mouth, and proceeded to chew in exaggerated delight. Sometimes, I wondered what went through his head. He got extremely excited whenever we held hands to and from school.

I guess, like he said, it was different. Doing the stuff we did platonically versus now that we were dating. It all felt so new and stimulating. Like I was looking at things through rose-coloured glasses.

"Your turn," he declared after a few bites. He lifted the chopsticks from my fingers, grabbed a chunk of the lunch, and extended it. "Say aah."

Heat scalded my cheeks. "Um. That's okay. I can eat on my own."

"Why are you getting all red?"

"I'm not," I said. "Really, it's okay. You can eat as much as you'd like. I'll take the leftovers."

He lowered the utensil back into the lunchbox. "It's your lunch. It should be the opposite. Besides, is there any point in getting all flustered about something like this?"

"Me? Flustered? You're mistaken."

A hopeless grin tugged up the corners of his lips. He tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. The warmth of his skin caused my breath to catch in my throat. "Is it because it's me?"

"You're wrong," I stammered. "I just. . . prefer eating on my own terms. It tastes better! Like, way better. So, like, it's not you, it's me—"

He silenced me with a kiss. My body shut down. I tasted chocolate, from the cookies. Butterflies ravaged my stomach and my vocal cords tied up in knots. Separating, he pressed his lips to my jaw. My cheek. "You know, Shii. You're a horrible liar."

"R-R-Rin," I chastised. "What if—"

"Nobody's here. You worry too much." He admired my face, memorizing my features as if he couldn't get enough. His lips melted into mine a second time. "See?" A shiver darted up my spine. "I can kiss you as many times as I want and nobody will complain."

As tempting as it was to linger there, I reflexively nudged his toned chest. Under my palm, it pounded in strong, hard rhythms.

"They will if they find us," I stammered. "You seem to underestimate your popularity."

"What does popularity matter when it comes to kissing my girl?"

My girl. . .

The phrase had no right being so swoon-worthy.

"It, um, matters," I argued very pathetically.

He laughed. "Didn't you yell something about wanting to become the type of couple nobody would question?"

"This and that are separate topics," I defended. "Surprise kisses are bad for my heart, and you know it."

"I couldn't help it," he laughed once more. "Fine. I'll be a gentleman and hold back. We can make out later. Do you have anything to drink?"

I frowned at him. How could he say something so embarrassing with a straight face? He flirted for a job, so in retrospect, he said a lot of embarrassing things. Still. . . he could at least ask me if I wanted to make out.

Sighing, I reached for the bottle beside me I'd gotten from the vending machine earlier.

He sucked inward on sight.


"I'm not sponsored by that brand so it'd be bad if I'm seen with it. I could risk it but Mrs. Pei will throw another hissy fit."

He was nit-picky about the weirdest things. . . Usually, it had to do with his idol contract. He was so used to being photographed or recorded in secret. People had caught him off guard on plenty of occasions (granted, even then, Rin never had an unflattering picture). He had to be meticulous with his diet, the amount of exercise he got in, his skincare routine, and a bunch of other things I didn't consider as deeply.

Still, I had to laugh.

Kissing me in public was okay but not the happenstance of being caught with this random brand.


I shook my head. Tearing the label, I handed it to him.

"Is this okay?"

He smiled. "Perfect. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Spinning off the cap, he took a generous sip. Next thing I knew, the seam of the bottle was on my lips.


I whipped my head left and right.

"I can drink it myself."

"Denied. Either you drink it as is or I give it to you via mouth to mouth."

What happened to being a gentleman and holding back?

Pulse rate erratic, I glanced elsewhere, then back to him.

"You better let me drink it. No more surprises."

"I will."

As I thought, this was embarrassing. I didn't mind him staring at me so intently but it was just so embarrassing.

When I finally caved and accepted a mouthful of the juice, he tsked.

"This isn't even so bad. We've done more intimate and embarrassing stuff." He winked. "And we'll be doing way more to come."

I coughed.

"We'll make so many more memories down the line," Rin added. The wind lifted his bangs, giving a full-view of his soft, golden eyes. "It took ages before you finally returned my feelings. I got the wrong impression for a good year before that but the fact that I can love you out loud and proud makes me happier than I can put into words. I fell for you on the day we met and I'll keep falling for you for the rest of our lives. Remember when I told you everything about you was precious? I still mean it. You make me proud everyday. If your mom could see you now, how much you've accomplished, and how much you will accomplish, she'd be proud too."

I blinked back tears. "Thank you. But that goes for you, too. She was your biggest hater. She always said you wouldn't make it, and here you are."

He chuckled. "I think that was just because she didn't want to give you up to anyone. Too bad for her, though. Let alone date you, I'll be marrying you one day."

Silence elapsed.

His shoulders jumped. "I-I mean, that's a given, right?"

I wiped my eye, smiling.

"We already promised we'll be together forever the day we met in first grade. If you didn't have the intention to marry me after everything we've been through, I'd murder you in cold blood."

"Sh-Shii, that scares me. The fact that you said that so calmly scares me." He dramatically breathed in and out for emphasis. "Even if I have the intention, it's better to voice it."

It was always better to put it into words.

I raised my pinky.

"It's a promise, then."

Beaming, he wrapped his pinky around mine. "It's a promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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