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Published on- 21/05/22


"AND THE TOPPER IS ADVAITA VERMA!" the teacher announced and everyone started clapping for her.

"Thank you everyone" she replied shyly and stood up to get her paper.


"Yes ma'am, I am coming" she replied moving toward her teacher.


She walked faster toward her teacher.




"Abe utth yaar, Advi" someone shook her really hard.

(Wake up, Advi)

"Huh?" she stood up startled looking here and there.

Every student started laughing at her and she stood there confused.

"What happened?" she asked her friend Disha who is sitting beside her.

"Ma'am is calling you from the past 5 mins and you are sleeping like a log" she replied rolling her eyes.


Her teacher's voice again boomed in the entire classroom.

"Y...Yes, ma'am" she replied stammering.



"Yaar, even I manage to pass by 1-2 marks. How do you manage to fail every time?" Disha asked munching on her chocolate while they stand leaning against the wall in the corridor.

"Don't know yaar, I did the multiplication but god knows how division happened" she replied biting her nails.

"You are failing in preboards, what will you do in the boards huh?" Disha asked licking her fingers clean after finishing her chocolate.

"Leave it na, anyways I am going to take arts" she replied still biting her nails.

"Yeah yeah, you want to open your own bakery and blah blah..." Disha said mimicking her.

She hit her shoulder and then they heard the most annoying 5 words.

"PT sir is on round, run everyone!" A boy shouted running towards his class.

Both of them looked at each other in horror and started running towards the washroom.

Disha was fast to enter inside the washroom but our Advi wanted to hit her head on a wall first so she did that :)

She looked up rubbing her forehead and found the person who is 100% more dangerous than the PT teacher.

"I am gone" was the first thing that came to her mind.

She gave an awkward smile but all she received in return was a blank face.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in his deep and masculine voice, folding his hands across his chest.

"Umm...umm...I was going water. Yeah! I was going to drink water!" she stammered at first but ended with confidence when she got the perfect excuse. Or she thought.

"In the washroom?" he asked raising his eyebrows and a bit of amusement in his eyes, which she was unable to notice.

Hell Advaita!

The hell with your stupid brain!

"Umm..yeah our English teacher told us that we should wash our hands before drinking water" she said with a nervous laugh.

Really Advi? Wash your hands before drinking water? Her subconscious mocked.

He just looked at her with his piercing gaze bit deep down he was really amused by her lying skills.

"Usually, science teachers do all these types of talk" he said standing straight to 6 feet.

"Yeah? Seems our English teacher took science in 11th grade" she exclaimed and started laughing as if she just cracked the world's best joke.

Suddenly they heard the sound of footsteps.

Abhimanyu took her hand and ran towards the display board.

He handed her some chart papers and he himself started pinning some articles on the board.

"Abhimanyu is she with you?" the PT teacher asked.

"Yes sir, she is helping me" he replied looking at her.

"Ok. You are doing your job of a head boy really well" sir said and patted his back.

"Thank you, sir" he replied

"I heard you already cleared prelims of the most prestigious engineering college in the state" the teacher asked him.

All this while Advaita just standing there holding the chart papers like she is sitting in her maths class because here too all their talks are going above her head.

"Yes, sir" Abhimanyu replied

"Great! I am sure you will clear your mains too" he said proudly

Abhimanyu nodded and the PT teacher went away after patting his back for the last time.

"Thank you for saving me" Advaita said seeing the PT teacher going away.

"What have you done today?" he asked ignoring her previous statement.

"Huh?" she asked confused

"What have you done today?" he asked again.

"Nothing" she replied looking down.

"You failed again?" he asked, more like exclaimed.

"How do you know?" she asked in a small voice scared of his anger.

"Because of your beautifully chopped nails" he exclaimed sarcastically.

He knows every time she does something wrong, she will eat all her nails if it's on her.

"Angel, if you failed in your boards, you will see the worst side of me" he said and went away.

A normal person, in this case, would have been trembling with fear,

But our Advaita?

She is feeling butterflies in her stomach because he called her angel.

Failing is out of the question now,

Because the questions that are running in her mind are-

He is going to study engineering?

He is going to live away in the hostel?

I will not be able to see him every day?

What if he finds someone else?

"As if he loves you now" her subconscious mocked.

"Shut up!" she shouted on her subconscious.


"I WILL STUDY SCIENCE AND GET INTO HIS COLLEGE" were the words of her life's worst decision...


Best decision?


In this chapter, Advaita is 15 and Abhimanyu is 17.

Further chapters will take time because I need to plan them.😅

I hope you all liked this chapter❤️

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