9 | hot n cold

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He smiles at me like he just won a thousand dollars. As we begin to walk towards the school, he licks his bottom lip. I find it extremely cute.

That's when I notice everyone in the parking lot is staring at us. I grow extremely uncomfortable and stick close to Edward's side.

A guilty part of me feels prideful. I'm the first girl at this school that Edward has ever shown any interest in, much less driven to school in his own car. Lots of girls around us must be seething with jealousy right now. I hate to admit it, but I'm loving the attention. I'm so glad that Edward can't read my mind, or else he would probably disapprove. Then again, from the look on his face, he's probably enjoying the attention and jealous looks as much as I am.

I shove my hands into my hoodie pockets as we pass a larger crowd of students. I recognize Eric among them. They all stare at me and Edward in bewilderment. I look down at the ground. Oh, so now I get their attentions.

"This feels so weird," I mumble.

"Not everybody's staring," Edward counters, "like that guy." Edward gestures to some random boy.

The second he says that, the boy turns his head and gawks at us.

"No, he just looked," Edward changes his mind.

I stifle a giggle. "You know, you're hard to miss," I say.

"I did know that," Edward grins proudly. "I'm breaking all the rules now anyway." Edward rests his arm around my shoulder, signaling to the crowd that I'm his. The sudden contact takes me by surprise. "Since I'm going to hell." Edward's grin grows wider.

*Time Skip*

It's after school, and Edward and I are out taking a walk by a lake. The two of us are stepping around on large rocks along the bank.

If Edward were any other person, I would never have the guts to ask him such personal questions. But with Edward I feel comfortable. I feel like I can talk to him about anything.

"So, are there other vampires out there?" I ask curiously, "other than you and your family?"

"Yeah," Edward answers. "There are others out there. We run into them from time to time."

My mind thinks back to the recent animal attacks around Forks. I decide to ask about it.  "Do you know if it was a vampire that killed Waylon Forge and that security guard?"

"Yeah, it was a group of nomadic vampires that did it. They don't stay in one place for long, so they're probably gone by now."

I take a wobbly step over to the next rock. "Can," I hesitate, "Can all vampires read minds?"

Edward turns and begins walking back towards the woods. "Um, no, that's just me, but Alice," he pauses, "Alice can see the future."

Rain begins to drizzle down on us. Edward leads me to a group of trees.

"That's crazy," I say. "Did she see me coming?"

The two of us sit down beneath a tree to protect ourselves from the rain.

"Alice's visions are subjective," Edward explains. "I mean, the future can always change."

Another question pops into my mind. A question that I feel a bit awkward to ask.

"Why does my blood smell so good to you, compared to other people's blood?" I finally manage to blurt out.

"Um," Edward hesitates. He suddenly finds the ground quite interesting. "I'll try to explain the best I can. You see . . . you're my singer."

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