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Aspiring crazy cat lady,

ruled by the whims of

two spirited felines,

herself, a Gemini/Virgo

moon and rising study in


polar opposites, her

mom bod rockin' non-mom

jeans, rhinestone-studded,

if you please, best laugh

yearbook nominee, and oh,

the phone number of the

pretty boy from senior

English, uncalled, had he...?

Vaxxed but seldom ever

relaxed, anxiety the

omnipresent static fizz

in the bloodstream and

the brain, indiscriminate

caffeine junkie, devouring

urban and, occasionally, high

fantasy, she drums the steering

wheel to euphoric trance and

dance beats, retro goth and

wistful indie. Inked and

illustrated, mainly self-taught

acrylic artistry. Finding

adventure amidst trips for

groceries. She knows not

what or who she seeks,

or why she falls sullen silent

amidst the indoor succulent

jungle and weeps, the seasons

cycling her through sorrow,

winter darkness leeching

the joys so deftly borrowed

from cobbled fictions and dreams.

She is infinitely more than what

she seems, more than her curves,

more than the sparkling chaos of

the feeds she creates and of

which she partakes via screen.

Within her slumbers a warrior,

dented armor, seeking meaning,

waiting for an opportunity

redeeming, a destiny foretold

though undisclosed, but for

glyphs silver-gleaming. 

Author's Note: The image is another of my paintings.

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