My heart cracked. I swear I heard it.

"Stop the car" I said suddenly before I could even process the words coming out of my mouth.

The car jolted to a stop.

"Why- what the fuck are you okay ?" Elias spurs out he looked pale in the face.
Confused by his out of character reaction
"What- yes yes I'm fine just give me a second."

I open the door and step out of the car and onto the pavement checking for any cars coming in my direction.

I walked towards the man who was under a think blanket.

I opened up my wallet that I had taken from the car.

I had $50 and my undeposited check.

I kind of wish I had deposited it by now.

I handed the man the $50 and everything else in my wallet including 10 singles and a couple of quarters.

A bit excessive some would say but you never know what he must've been through and if that was me I would want someone to be as generous.

Even though it was all I had at the moment. I believed in good karma I would get it back.

The man looked up at me striking green eyes and unshaven beard. He lifted his hands in motion and signed thank you.

He was deaf.
I was never more grateful to have read that whole intro to ASL book in my life other than this moment.

I signed back you're welcome.

The man smiled at me a small smile a grateful one and it was the most beautiful thing I'd seen all day.

I turned around satisfied and ready to return to hell in a car. Except I couldn't.

I couldn't walk back because the devil who drives hell in a car is right in front of me.

I looked up craning my neck all slightly to get a good view of the gorgeous man standing in my way.

He grabbed both my shoulders and shook slightly...
The action made tense up.
"Why would you walk out the car like that" He says pissed off.

"I- I was just-" I tried explaining.

"Fuck what you were doing do you have any idea what he could've done to you-" He practically yells.

I was too stunned to even say anything.
Why does he care so much ?

He seems to forget what he's done to me.

Before I could protest my anger he wraps his hand around my waist and tucks me into his side and crosses the street blocking my view of any oncoming cars.

I was frozen in place. He opened the door and I stepped in. I sat and buckled myself in.

He got in the other side and sat.

Now I was mad.
No screw that I'm pissed off.

"What gives you the right ?" I start slowly...
"Huh ? You ruin my life you humiliate me, you embarrass me, make me feel pathetic. All of a sudden you're my knight in shining armor my savior. You fight a guy who touches me you care about why I'm shaking you care if I'm scared of you or not." I rant.
"What kind of game are you playing at ? You've done enough." My voice shaking as the words fly out of my mouth.
I look to see Elias staring back at me horror written all over his face he blinks and it's gone. It's to late though I've seen it.
"I want to go home...please just take me home." I say sniffling.

Tears are pouring down my face as I slowly close my eyes basking in the emotions.

The rest of the car ride is silent.

We turn the corner to my house and I grab my purse. I want to get out the car as quickly as I can.

"Thank you" I whisper before shutting the door quietly.

I walk towards the front steps of my house climbing up each one.

Pure fear strikes me in the heart as I realize what I'm entering.

My dad.

I forgot about him my mind was so occupied with Elias.

I don't even realize that I'm frozen by the door until I hear the rev of Elias's engine and I'm suddenly torn out of my daze.

I open up my purse my hands shaking even more.
I turn the lock and quietly open the door. Maybe he's asleep and I can make a run for it.

I look back quickly to see Elias's car still there. He needs to leave my dad CANT see him.

I step into the house and shut the door behind me. The minute I hear Elias's car drive away and I take my first step into the house I feel it.
The slap across my face. The sting it leaves behind and the blood that's now coming out of my mouth.

I gasp and step back.

"I always knew you were a whore" My dad says.
I look up my hand to my bloodied mouth and teary eyes.
"Coming home with a boy. All dolled up and red in the face" my dad spits out.
"You let him fuck you didn't you...slut"

I don't even plead with him. I've already given up. I don't bother telling him the truth that is as assaulted and that the boy in the car is actually a nightmare who makes my life hell but today I saw a different Elias. I don't bother telling him any of that.

I feel another slap this one knocks me to the ground.

Then I see my fathers figure on top of me his gray hair and gray beard filling his face. I could still see it though the loving father. The face is still there the emotion...gone.

I know it's gone for sure because he kicks me once in the stomach. A gasp of air is knocked out of me.

He kicks me for the last time. Until he's breathing so hard and im stunned at the fact that I'm still conscious.

And then he simply walks away.
I stumble coughing and heaving as I try to stand up.

I somehow make it all the way up to my room and close the door locking it behind me.

I slump down on my bed. My stomach in piercing pain. He didn't hit me bad today. Sure I could barely move and my stomach is probably going to be 5 different shades of abuse tomorrow but I could handle it.
I expected worse. He was probably drunk and I was never more grateful.

I felt my eyes close as I began to drift asleep grateful to get away from the hell called life.

But as my eyes close only one thought popped into my mind. An odd thought.

How on earth did Elias know where I lived if I never told him my address ?

And with that I fell asleep.


Thoughts ?? baby
Also what do you guys think about Elias and his sudden change...

Also I think this is my longest chapter...

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