Chapter 26

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Thyme pov

I was pacing in my room waiting for kavin to call , it was midnight i waited for hours and called him many times but his phone was off .

What happened? Was he tired and went immediately to sleep?
I guess so since he was already tired when i got there .

I went to bed intending to sleep but i kept rolling around in my bed unable to sleep .
I thought maybe I'll see him tomorrow and we'll talk about it .

I rolled for few hours on bed , until finally fell asleep at 4 am .
I woke up very late 9 o'clock to be exact and rushed to the university to see him as fast as i could but as soon as i arrived there he wasn't There !!!
I went to ren

"Hey ren have you seen kavin?"

"Umm no why? I thought you'd come together?"

"No , i woke up late "


"I'll go ask mj "

"Ok good luck "
He tapped on my back then left

"Mj !!! "
I waved at him from afar he was sitting with few girls

"Hey what's up?"

"Have you seen kavin?"

"Kavin? Weren't you supposed to come together?"

"Yeah but i woke up late and couldn't come pick him up"

"No i haven't seen him! "

"Kavin didn't come today "
The girl beside mj said .

That's it I'm going to his house and see him.

If i have known anyone of the maids numbers I could've called and asked about him .

I drove there and a new maid opened the door for me she tried to stop me when in wanted to walk in .

"Old master does not allow guests"
She said pushing me back

"I'm not a guest I'm here to see kavin! Where is he ?"

"I'm sorry but master isn't here "

"Heh! You've got to be kidding me !! I meant kavin not the old master "
I laugh it out exclaiming again

"Yes young master isn't here , he left this morning "

"Are you trying to make a fool out of me ? Why would kavin leave and not tell me ? "

She kept quiet as i shouted then she nodded to the security.
They came and grabbed my arms

"Kavin!!!!! I want to see kavin - i know you're here answer me kavin!!! Please!!"
I shouted loudly trying to push the security away but they dragged me out and threw me at the door .

I stood up in annoyance
"What the hell are you doing? I just wanted to see kavin ! And you're saying he left ? He can't leave without telling me !!"

I paced in the yard outside back and forth trying to call him again , i was off over and over .

I got angry and threw the phone kicking my car in anger .

I broke down shaking and crying as i fell on my knees trying to breathe and stood up again going back to his house there must be some kind of misunderstanding!"

"I want to see the big master "

"You can't sir we're sorry "

Fuck !! This is getting on my nerves right now .

I left sat in my car crying hitting the steering wheel hard .

What did i do to him? Did i do something he hates? Was he trying to love me but he couldn't?

Is it possible that all this time he was feeling bad for me and gave me a chance ? I'm so pathetic!!
I thought as i cried my eyes out , when suddenly i saw someone waving in the car mirror behind me .

Au pov

Thyme saw a figure in his car mirror waving calling him to come , he got off the car - it was the head maid .
As she wanted to throw the garbage from the back door .

"Son , wipe your tears away and don't cry ! Kavin didn't leave he loves you , more than you can ever think of he stood right at his parents face for you thyme! "

She said softly to him

"I don't understand! What's happening? What do you mean he stood in his parents face for me? And that he didn't leave ? I'm lost now I don't get it "

"I'll tell you what happened "

She said then sighed heavily

"I'm sure he's gonna tell you and I don't have the right to say it , but i want you to help him - he's now in his room his father locked him in -he's in a very serious condition right now because his father hurt him  he's in pain , i know because he's sensitive and can't take the pain easily he plays tough and I'm scared for him to be honest I don't want him to get hurt - please help me help him master thyme "

She said as she cried , thyme froze in his palace in shock

"How ? Please tell me how to do so and I'll help him"

"Just follow me , i knew you were coming to see him so I opened the window for you to climb up to his room like you used to when you were kids remember?"

Thyme smirked

"I remember yes "

As he rushes there and climbs up to kavin's room .

He went there , the room was dark and all he could hear is kavin's moaning in his sleep in pain .

He turned the lights on and sat beside him on the bed stroking his hairs watching him sleep.

Thyme pov:

What am i seeing right now ? Is this really kavin?my kavin got hurt ? And I didn't know it ?
I said as i stroked his hair

He opened his eyes looking at me in disbelief

"Thyme ? Is that you? Am I dreaming?"

He said slowly trying to open his eyes wider as i stroked his hair

"Yes baby it's me ! Are you feeling ok?"

"It hurts !"
He said as he dug his face in my stomach and hugged my waist.

I cried painfully for him , I've never seen him in pain like this since we were kids.

I grabbed him and hugged him sniffing his neck crying

"Don't worry baby I'm getting you out of here "

"But how? The door is locked ?"

Kavin said , I didn't know what to do either.
Few seconds later an idea came into my mind .
Taking off my chain necklace trying to crook it and cut it so i can straighten it to open the door .

It was quiet hard to do it so i took off my leather jacket rolled my black shirt's sleeves and opened two buttons of the shirt.

I bit the chain with my teeth until i got the hang of it and finally opened the door.

I grabbed kavin's hand

"Can you walk?"

"Mm I don't know "
He said in pain , i dragged him out softly when we go to the stairs

"I can't no more thyme- it hurts my stomach "

"It's ok hold it we'll leave now "

I hurriedly made him hop on my back and ran off with him from the back door where the head maid waited for me .

Then we finally left .and i took him to the car putting his seat belt and drove off .

End of chapter 26

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