Chapter 6

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Thyme pov

I woke up seeing kavin sleeping on the crown of my bed , he looked so cute sleeping like that .

I took a blanket and covered him , then i stood slowly off the bed and hit my foot in the edge of the bed .

"Fuck ! I would've carried him if it weren't for you "
Talking to his leg

I called the maid through the phone

"Prepare all kavin's favorite food , you know it right ?"

"Yes sir of course i do "

I went back to bed and sat down then softly woke him up

"Wake up kv , come sleep with me on the bed we'll go eat later on "

"Mmmm~ "
He moans a little , he's so adorable

Kavin rubs his eyes then turns to the bed to sleep next to me without a word

I just smiled at the view of his cute face and covered him back again then caressed his fluffy hair as i fell asleep

I woke up on the sound of the door after a while

"Sir , the food is ready !"
The maid said behind the door

I woke him up

"Kavin , i wanna go to the restroom!"

"Mmmmm~ kay"
He rubbed his eyes and stood up then held me by the waist took me to the restroom.

He locked the door on me and waited outside

"Tell me when you finish ! "
He said

"Okay "

Au pov

Both are brushing their teeth thyme keeps annoying kavin by pushing away the toothbrush
"Eyyy stop "

He pushed it away again

"Eyyy , thymeeee "

"Hihi "
Then he put the foam on his cheek

"What the hell stop !!"

After a while the food was prepared on the table , kaving was impressed again his favorite food on the table

"Thank you for the food "
He said in excitement

"You know kavin?"

He said while shoving a big chicken thigh into his mouth

"You know what's funny ? That you had to deal with me and take care of me when I'm like that , it feels like I'm your lover "

He choked in his food and started coughing

"Sorry here's water ! "
He passed the water to him then continued

"After you're done eating we'll have to go to the uni "

"But thyme , I didn't bring any clothes with me"

"I got you don't worry "

They went to thyme's bed room again as thyme stood up beside his closet on one foot started throwing some of his clothes ok his bed to let kavin pick one .

Kavin started sorting them ok the bed neatly , he's so messy

He finally chose one and put it on then showed it to thyme

"Oh dear ! Oh god you- you look so good "
Thyme melted literally at the scene of kavin's  then continued

"You know what ! You can keep them they look good on you better than they do on me "

My shooting star ( kavin and thyme ) Where stories live. Discover now