Chapter 23 🔞

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Trigger warning ⚠️
This chapter contains smuts - if you're under age of 15 do not read .

Today's chapter is a bit longer than usual so hope you enjoy.

Au pov:

Kavin wakes up on soft pats his hairs as he hears a soft voice coming .

"Good morning baby"
Thyme softly said ruffling kavin's messy hair

"Thyme !!!"
Kavin said in a baby voice he looked so cute all messed up in his morning face .

Thyme couldn't handle this cuteness and hugged him then kissed kavin's neck constantly.

"What are you doing here?"
Kavin said in question as thyme pouts knotting his eyebrows.

"You didn't read my text ? I said i missed you "

Kavin glups and stutters

" aaa - i was sleeping"

"I wonder why you slept so early? But it's better for you "

Thyme said as he ruffles kavin's messy hair again

"I just love your messy hair, now go wash up and get dressed so we can go and eat"

He said softly gently patting on his lover's cheek .

At the university

Kavin mj and ren were all gathered except for thyme who went to the restroom so kavin took the chance to start a conversation with the boys since thyme wasn't there .

"So guys , today's the day we'll be doing it "

"Wait !! Already? "

"Yeah !"
He looked down at the floor nervously

"Listen kavin, if you're not ready for it then just don't do it now"

"No , i can do it "
Kavin said looking at them in a challenging look .

"Suit yourself man i just gave you an advice "

"I'm going out to the shops who's coming with me  ? I'm buying few stuff from the shop"
Kavin said

"Sorry i have a date with gorya "
Ren said waving before leaving, leaving kavin and mj go to the shop alone .

"What are you buying ?"
Mj said as they walked in to the shop

"Some things "

"Like what ?"

"For tonight!!"

"Ahhhh , i get it now , witty "
Mj smirked as he pointed at kavin.

Mj went ahead to the men's section as he took out a condom waving with it in the air

"A' Kavin!!! Why don't you buy this one ?"
He said loudly

Kavin ran towards him shutting him up

"Shut the fuck up man ! "

"You guys are lovers ?"
An old lady came asking as both released away a scream

"No !!!!"

"Haha you look good together "

"Ewww , good together my ass "
Kavin said as he moved away from mj .

"He already has lover "
MJ pointed at kavin nervously

"He does? Unfortunately "
She said as she walked away

As they come back to the university thyme noticed this bag full of stuff in kavin's hand

"What's all that?"

My shooting star ( kavin and thyme ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ