Isamilo (Isabela x Camilo)

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(A/N: Take a shot every time I say a variation of "Fuck" in this)


If you guys have noticed my three month absence at all, that's because a Camilo and Isabela shipper asked me to review that thing I just said, and it spiraled into a whole thing, and long story short there's only like five chapters left now, and I wanna have it done on May 22nd.

This Book has had such a negative impact on my mental health, and I want it to just be done and over with, no more buts and ifs, just done, I don't want to be on Wattpad anymore, I'm sorry. I had to look up fucking Winnie the Pooh porn for an upcoming Chapter. I DON'T WANT THIS.

Now onto this garbage pile of a ship. Sweet Home Alabama!!!!

Fuck everyone who ships this!

Fuck the person that wrote the fic!

Fuck the person that defended them, and told ME to grow up when I pretty fuckin' gently explained my viewpoint.


F U C K    T H I S     S H I P.

Moving on.

Their mothers are literally sisters.

And Isabela is six years older than Camilo and an adult. It's essentially a slightly less worse version of if Isabela was shipped with Mirabel.

I'm just guessing THATS a thing?

It is? Okay.

Yeah FUCK this.

Even if you take everything aside, I don't see them matching, Camilo acts an annoying little brother to Isabela 24/7 and everyone who sees something romantic in that is gross and wrong.

Fuck this ship, it's not the worst Disney ship sure, but it's part of the reason my enjoyment for this Book has been tainted forever.


Fuck the fic writer that asked me to review this :))

Also if you somehow manage to locate anyone mentioned in this, please do not harass them on my behalf. It doesn't do shit, trust me. You'd essentially just be making yourself and by association me look worse.

Are these people fucking gross and annoying? Yes, but I'm not encouraging any hate be sent to them directly. Part of the reason why I'm not mentioning names in this.

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