Chapter 15: Storm

Start from the beginning

After a few more minutes, the village finally was in sight, Fang Yu quickly went to his house. When he was inside, the first thing he did was to take a piece of old clothes to dry off Felix's body. He couldn't go to the well to get some clear water, so the best alternative to prevent the flu was to clean Felix.

But with every touch that Fang Yu made on Felix's body, the latter would stretch by his touch. It was like electricity running through his body, and Felix couldn't handle anymore.

Of course, Fang Yu knew that Felix's situation was bad, so he grabbed the basket with the mushrooms and was going to give Felix a bite. Fang Yu took the red and big mushroom, and he was shocked. And in that second that he was absent-minded, Felix used all the strength that he had left to take the mushroom and took a big bite.

"Felix wait!" Fang Yu was so alarmed that he even used Felix's normal name instead of his nickname. He wanted to prevent swallowing it, but it was already too late, the mushroom was inside his tummy.

Felix had thought that everything would be fine now, but to his horror, not only did the heat not subside, but increased instead. He was so afraid that he couldn't help but cry. "W-why didn't work?"

Originally it was a question for Qiu, but because Felix wasn't in his right mind now, he said his question out loud instead inside his mind. So obviously, Fang Yu heard. With a headache, he said. "You took the wrong mushroom. The one that works to subside the heat is the white crown mushroom. You took the red one, and this on the contrary only increase the symptoms."

Didn't Qiu say that he grabbed the correct one?

Qiu: ...

... He is going to kill this silly rabbit!

He wanted to interrogate Qiu, who was playing dead, but now thanks to the mushroom his situation only got worse.

Fang Yu situation was also bad. Before, thanks to the heavy rain, Felix pheromones weren't very strong. But now inside this closed space and with the help of the mushroom, Fang Yu was literally choking in pheromones. For a dominant alpha like himself, it was oppressing. His thoughts were becoming messy. The view of the cute and defenseless omega on his bed almost drove him insane.

Felix must have felt Fang Yu staring. He shook his head, with teary eyes, looking at Fang Yu. The men's exquisite features were very alluring. The rain had moistened his clothes, the man's fine abs were driving this cute rabbit insane with thirst.

Fang Yu felt that he was losing control of his body, ​​slowly approaching Felix at the bed. He was going to grab the little omega on his arms. But with the little rationality left on his body, he bit himself on the arm. It was painful, but thanks to that he could clear his mind a little.

But that action only made Felix panic. "Brother You... don't do that... don't hurt you..." Felix said between gasps. He didn't want Fang Yu to injure himself because of him. He only gets aggrieved looking at the bloody tooth mark on the man's arm.

With sweat on his forehead, Fang Yu struggled to say with a smile. "Don't worry, Little Fel. I will go to Tony's house. He should still have my sack with the white crown mushrooms.

Fang Yu was going to stand up, but he only felt how a tiny hand grabbed the corner of his clothes. With tears in his eyes, Felix said, sobbing. "Don't go... is dangerous..."

Fang Yu was still struggling to control his instincts, he knew that running in that heavy rain could be bad, but staying here alone with Felix was even more dangerous. So he could only try to coax him "Be good. It isn't good for us to stay together right now. I will be back."

Fang Yu stood up and was walking to the door, but his feet stopped when he heard Felix's tiny and sweet voice. "Don't... Don't leave alone... If it is with Brother Yu... I'm okay with it."

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