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Weeks pasted, the still unofficial couple sneaking around because of Ella's fear of being in the spotlight, or more so her fear of her parents knowing

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Weeks pasted, the still unofficial couple sneaking around because of Ella's fear of being in the spotlight, or more so her fear of her parents knowing. But they went on dates, had lazy movie nights at each other's apartments. Sebastian even got to meet Angela, briefly, very briefly, Ella didn't need Angela pulling out the protective best friend act.

It was just another day at work for Ella, waiting for the day to end because Sebastian had a date planned that he wouldn't tell her about, even when he was in the office.

"Please," she quietly begged.

"Nope," he teased standing in front of her desk, "I also got some exciting news in there but," he pushed his body off the front of her desk, "I'll see you later"

Ella just smiled as he walked away and just a minute later Mrs. Thompson excited her office with new papers for Ella to deal with.

"Okay, there's a couple contracts in there that need to go to legal but after that you're free for the night," Melissa smiled.

"Are you sure?" Ella looked at the time on her computer, 3:28pm, almost three hours earlier then normal.

"Yeah, my husband and I are going to a show tonight, so I've got to leave early so thought why not give you the night, it's a Friday, go out! Have some fun!" Melissa smiled.

Ella was a little shocked, not that Melissa wasn't a kind women but Ella never left early, "Oh uhm thank you"

"I will see you bright and early Monday morning though," Melissa smiled, heels clicking on the wood floor as she went back to her office.

Ella did her closing duties, eyes skimming the new contracts as she carried them to the legal team's doorway.

Sebastian Stan, seeing his name peaked her interest, she knew she shouldn't look any deeper into it but she was curious.

She slid the other contracts into the mail box, holding on to that last one. Ella turned her head both ways, checking for anyone before she opened the booklet, then quickly shut it, shaking her head, "No"

Before she could think anymore she pushed the booklet into the mail box, forcing herself away from the office door.

Ella collected her purse before making her way out of the building, taking the subway back to her street and striding to her apartment.

Getting off early gave two extra hours, so she laid down in bed, setting an alarm for an hour so she could just get a little rest.

Lust To Love // Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now