Broad daylight Nightmare!!

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At 12:00pm the same day.

No! Stop it! Please! Please

don't hurt my mother...father!!!" Aryan continued to shout as he watched his parents and sisters being beaten by strange men.

His cries were useless. No one was listening to him . he wanted to run and protect his parents and two elder sisters

but he was being held in place by a man. One of the group's grunt-men.

'"Sorry kid,you're not strong enough to protect them.
"Tch tch!!such a poor child" the leader of the group tched

"we are just following orders. A job is a job. No hard feelings right?" he swung his baseball bat beating the couple.

His mother was already unconscious while his father was shielding his wife and children.
He was weak. His entire body numbed from the blows.

Blood flowed from his mouth. "Please... spare my daughters" his father pleaded sputtering more blood from his mouth

"Hmm!!!Your daughters?". The man gave a creepy grin.
"Of course we will spare them but after we have a taste of them. They really look dilatable right guys?".

Other men the room quickly answered gawking at the Aryan's two teenage sisters.
   "Indeed Boss!!. They possess the right packages that we wouldn't mind exploring." 

The girls were screaming when two men dragged them into a room slapping them across the face when they tried to resist.

This was a heart-wrenching scene for the young Aryan.he did not know why this was happening.
Who were these people? Why were they hurting his family? His dad was a good man

a medical scientist . He had saved a lot of people.

His mother was a loving wife and kindhearted doctor She also volunteers often helping people like her husband. His sisters were always loving and law abiding citizens.
What did they do to deserve this? Do good people really receive punishments like this? Why does God allow this to happen? These were the questions running through little Aryan's mind right now.

He felt betrayed and angry. But he knew he was helpless. He could not do anything to protect her family.

He was still a child. After all what could a mouse do against a mountain?

"Please mister. Just stop it already! I will do anything. Please stop hurting my parents and sisters Please I'm begging you!" He continued
pleading for them to stop. Pulling his arms away from the man that held him

The other man stopped his bat and looked at him . He signaled for his men to stop the beating too.
The man flashed an evil smile. "Anything?" he said to Aryan

"You're willing to do anything to make us stop?"'

'"Yes mister! I will do anything!" Aryan answered immediately.
"Ok" he said not breaking eye contact. "I've heard you are a very good boy. I will give you one chance"
he held up his bat. "Just one."'

Aryan nodded firmly.

'"Good boy. Okay. Your father wanted to save you but then you wanted to protect your parents and sisters from me and my men... I think there is a way to make both wishes come true " the man said. He signaled to his underling to let Aryan go.

'His father looked into Aryan 's eyes telling him to be strong.

"Thank you mister. What do you want me to do?" Aryan asked him clearing his tears away . He felt hopeful at the chance to save his parents and sisters

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