I feel...

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sometimes I feel lonely, sometimes I feel worthless. then there's days I feel like I'm nothing. I'm insecure and feel so alone. does anyone understand me? people can make me feel alive, but in the end, I feel alone. I feel like I'm that depressed friend that just brings darkness? I bring bulls*** to my friends, my only friends. I lose people because I'm a darkness. I only have some people that can make me feel alive! but have I told you I'm a good actress? I may be a horrible liar, but I won't show my misery m, how depressed I am. I feel alone. I feel like I'm nothing. At night, the thoughts of darkness come. you come to my mind, making me feel like eternal darkness. I'm not normal, I can't dream of rainbows and love. The things I dream about is darkness and who depressing life is for me. I know there's no definition of normal, but of all things, I'm not. I lose things that used to belong to me. the people that used to be in my life. and they leave the painful memories, that kills you. I feel alone...

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