Everything Has Changed

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A year ago, I never would have pictures my life the way it is now. Everything has changed. It's been almost 3 years since we moved from California to Florida. Sometimes I think I miss California but I don't. because in Florida, I had better luck, making friends, although I made friends with the wrong person. I still has better luck. My middle school year kinda sucked but it wasn't until my first year of high school, I'm still in high school but from the beginning, I had such a good luck. Although, my day didn't start off so good because I hurt my leg. But if I never hurt my leg, I never would have met my best friend, ex-best friend, on that day. I had lunch with her. Finally, I met the best guy friend I've ever had, never left my side. I started sitting with him at lunch, but there was a problem, some other girls would overtalk me and I would just be ignored and finally, my best guy friend found somewhere else to sit, I followed him, never left his side. I sat with my best friend too, but soon we didn't sit together anymore. Eventually, we had a small little lunch group, that they let me sit with them, there was my best friend, ____, _____ (a friend from MS), ____ (sophomore), ____, and my best guy friend ____. Then, more through the year, everyone split up, one reason was because of me and my best friend were constantly having on-and-on fights. The sophomore left, leaving 3 people sitting there. My best friend came back one last time before she left sitting somewhere else. We eventually brought another amazing, the bestest friend I've ever had. She sat with us, for awhile, until she moved to NY and the left 3 people again, sitting there, the guy I knew from MS was constantly getting unhappy at us. recently, he doesn't sit with us anymore, leaving me and my best guy friend. So yeah everything has changed but I bet none of this would have ever happened if I was in California. Yes, everything has changed.

^_____ name(s) unprovided

Writing is my Escape: PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang