15) GONE

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Kai's pov

I instantly turned around and dropped the piece of glass, I was previously holding against wolfie boy. "Luna." I said in a calm voice but I could see fear in her eyes.

"You're sick." Tyler stated and walked away from me, towards Luna. "Let's get back upstairs and call your mom, okay?" He asked her and she slightly nodded, still looking at me with horrified expression.

I honestly didn't know what to do. Should I leave? Should I hug her and tell her not to be afraid, that I'd never hurt her? Or just stay glued in my spot till she's out of the way.

Guess I don't have choice anymore because while I was thinking she went upstairs with Wolfie boy.

"Try to pull something like that ever again and you're out of this house forever." The blonde warned and walked away with the Salvatore girl beside him.

I sighed in defeat and shook my head. I need to clear my thoughts. Before I'd leave, I walked upstairs to Luna's room without making a sound. I needed to know she was okay before I went out.

I stood by the doorway when Luna wrapped her arms around Tyler's neck and hugged him tightly. I scoffed and walked down and out of the house.

Really? Kai? You're jealous of a doggie boy who has to turn into a wolf every month. I've not felt jealousy ever since I became a total sociopath. Yeah, if you've not figured out when was that, it was when I murdered my siblings. But it's not that bad, I had a reason.

I ended up being on the cemetery near the border. I looked around when I heard noises and what I see - my blonde sister, Liv standing there with the ascendant.

The ascendant.

How could I forget? I need to destroy it so they won't be able to use it against me. I looked closer and saw Jo standing there with Ric and Damon. Guess, that's makes sense. Jo never going to merge with me. She was trying to trick me again.

Well, last time I cut her spleen out but this time I won't be as merciful. I walked even closer to understand what they were saying.

"You're gonna drink my blood, this will link to me so I can take you back. Give one to Bonnie as well." Liv said and handed the tiny bottle of her blood to Damon.

He grabbed it and shoved down it to his throat.  "And then we will use it to trap Kai in the prison world." Jo's boyfriend spoke and everyone nodded. I guess that's my cue to get over the border and teach them a lesson.

Before I could do that, I heard Jo asking a question which interested me. "Does your sister know about what we're trying to do?"

"She doesn't need to." The vampire replied, "she's trying to locate the witch who did the spell on Luna, she won't have time to notice what we're doing."

I don't know why but Damon's answer brought a smile to my face. Knowing that Bri has nothing to do in all of this.

"So, let's go." Liv interepted their conversation and as she was about to start a spell to send Damon in the prison world, I grabbed her shoulders, making her groan in pain while I siphoned her.

"Sorry to interrupt but what if I said I had a much better idea?" I asked sarcastically as I grabbed the ascendant from Liv's week body.

Damon immediately charged at me and pinned me against a random tree but soon he realized he was over the border and started groaning in pain so I helped because of the gentleman I am and used the magic I siphoned from Liv to throw him across the border. He collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

"Now that is all taken care of-" I used what's left of the magic to break the ascendant into tiny pieces and burned them so no one would use it against me. "Sissy, be ready. We're doing merge tonight and if you even argue-" I continued as I realized she was about to reject.

"I'll kill your blonde twins. I tried once and didn't work but if I try again, trust me on this, I. Will. Succeed." I said the last three words in a low and dangerous tone slowly.

Then smirked and walked away.

I went back into Lockwood's mansion. I walked in and walked straight upstairs into Luna's room. But she wasn't inside. I walked out from the room and checked number of other rooms but she wasn't in any of them. It's not just her. They're no one here.

"Luna." I called, walking down the stairs. "Wolfie boy." I said again but no answer. I checked the whole first floor but nothing. "This isn't funny anymore."

I picked up my phone, wanting to call Sabrina or someone. But soon realized I don't have anyone's number. "Shit." I swore and walked out of the house. Where the hell are they?

Together | Kai ParkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz