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Sabrina's pov

"I'm coming to the border, Tyler will be there and he's gonna take you to his house because he's the only one from our friends group who can enter Mystic Falls." I stated and looked at Kai who was sitting next to me in a passenger seat.

"Who's Tyler?" Kai's eyebrows furrowed.

"He's my friend and Liv's boyfriend. I explained everything including the fact that you're merging with Jo and Liv's gonna be okay so he was more than happy to help us out." I declared.

"Does he know that Luna's my daughter?" I shook my head. "I haven't told him yet."
He rose one eyebrow in confusion. "It needs a lot of explaining and we don't have time."

"Right." He pursued his lips.

"What?" I glanced at him.

"What? Nothing." He shrugged.

"Kai!" I said with a hint of warning. He looked at me and sighed. "Okay, I might have already met that guy earlier when-"

"When you tried to kill Liv?" I asked as I looked in the mirror to make sure Luna was still sleeping.

He nodded and by the look on his face, I knew their meeting consisted of violence.

"Oh, my, god. Kai, you're making everything more difficult. Did you injured him?" A glint of hurt flashed in his eyes. "No, I didn't. Actually he was the one who hurt me."

I stared at him for a while in silence. "I'm sorry."

He hummed in response. "I didn't mean like that, Kai." I clarified. He gazed at me. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do." I stopped the car as we reached the border. "Look, I'm just tired and really worried and when I don't have answers, I say some really stupid things." I admitted.

Kai's face turned into smile as he looked at me. "It's gonna be okay." He reasured me once again. I got out of the car and he did the same but Tyler wasn't here yet so I didn't wake Luna up. Kai and I were standing beside each other with our backs against the door.

"Kai." I whispered.


"I've not asked you before but-" I turned around to face him. "What's gonna happen after all this?" Kai seemed to didn't understand my question because he just stared at me blankly.

"Like after we make sure Luna's fine and you win the merge." I explained, "what's gonna happen after that?" I looked up at him.

"I don't know about you but I was thinking about celebration sex maybe?" I sighed and shook my head in disbelief. "That's not what I meant, Kai."

"You sure?" He narrowed his eyes. I nodded. "I was thinking -"

"Here you are." Tyler walked from behind. "Where's your phone? I've been calling you."

I checked my pockets but realized I left it inside the car. "Sorry, in the car."

"I'm gonna wake her up." I opened the back door of my car and started gently shaking my daughter. "Lu, wake up." She shifted in sleep and accidentally bumped her head onto window. "Ouch." She immediately opened her eyes.

"You okay?" I kissed the part of her head she just hit. "I'm okay, mom." She smiled at me which caused me to smile as well.

"Come on." I gestured for her to get out of the car and she did, then her eyes met Tyler. "Hey, Ty." She waved her hand.

"Hey, princess." Tyler greeted.

"She has a name." Kai said with annoyance written on his face. I bit my cheek so I wouldn't accidentally laugh.

"Are we going to be staying with Ty?" Luna looked up at me with curious eyes.

"Yes sweetie. You and daddy will be staying with him." I clarified, she furrowed her eyebrows, "what about you?"

"Did you just say daddy?" I turned my face to the source of the sound. "It's a long story and I'm not in the mood for talking." I told Tyler.

"I on the other hand-" Kai chimed in. "I love talking, like love it love it." He started rambling again. I knew he was only doing these to annoy Tyler which seemed to work as Ty seemed irritated by him.

"..... I'll tell you all about this daddy thing when we get home. We're gonna talk like we're bros, am I right?" He patted Tyler's shoulder as he looked at siphoner with disbelief.

"You literally tried to kill my girlfriend hours ago."

"Tyler!" He looked at me with confusion but when he eyed my hands on Luna's ears he realized and look of guilt appeared on his face.

"Watch what you speak in front of our daughter doggie." Kai growled with clenched fists on his sides.

"Kai!" I glared at him, he shrugged innocently like he wasn't the one insulting my friend seconds ago.

"Just stop it, okay." I exhaled with a hint of desperation. "You need to go now before the spell gets any worse." I made eye contact with Kai, he nodded and smiled a little telling me it's gonna be okay.

I crouched down in front of my daughter "we may not see each other for a while Lu, but I love you so much okay?" I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too mommy." She wrapped her arms around my neck. I hold her in my embrace for a while till she started coughing. She pulled away and I kissed her cheek. "It's okay, you're gonna be safe there." I got up on my feet and gazed at Kai. "Don't forget your promise"

"Never princess." He smirked at me, then hold out his hand to Luna. She told me goodbye once again before reaching for Kai' hand and walking away with him. "Call me if you need help with anything." Tyler told me and I smiled at him. "Thanks Ty."

Together | Kai ParkerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang