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1994, Portland, OregonSabrina's pov

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1994, Portland, Oregon
Sabrina's pov

"Hey, what are you doing?" Kai asked from my bed where he was sitting as I was packing. "My brother called. I need to get back to Mystic Falls."

"What? Wait, is that why you're packing. You're leaving me?" He didn't let me answer as he got up from my bed and stormed out of my room. "Of course you're leaving me." He scoffed at himself.

I ran after him. "Kai, wait!"

"What?!" He turned around and yelled in my face. It was so unexpected that I flinched slightly. Kai's eyes widened and he backed away. "I'm sorry Bri."

He kept backing away until his back hit the wall. I kept up with him and engulfed him in an enormous hug. "Kai, I'm not leaving you okay? I can never do that. I'm just going back to Mystic Falls because Stefan needs help with Damon. But I'll come back." I pulled away and looked up at him, into his eyes.

"I promise."

2012, today
Sabrina's pov

I was approaching our family crypt as I heard Stefan's voice. He called me back earlier and told me to meet him here.

"I'm not doing so great without you Damon, I can't get anywhere because I'm lost brother." I walked in just in time as Stefan threw away the bottle of bourbon he was holding but instead of shattering on the ground someone caught it.

"So what? Gone a couple of months you think it's fine to waste a perfectly good bottle of bourbon?" Damon asked and started drinking it. I couldn't believe my eyes, he's back. He's standing right here. A small smile flashed across my face.

"How can I see you right now?" Stefan asked looking shocked and surprised. "You're not the only one seeing him and I've not been drinking so-" I was cut off by Damon

"Yup, I'm alive. I mean this stuff is good but not I see dead people good." Damon chuckled a little as Stefan touched his shoulder to see if he was real. After that they engulfed each other in a big hug.

My phone went off. "Sorry to ruin the emotional moment guys but...you know what, I'm just gonna answer outside." I walked out smiling and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" It was unknown number so I didn't know who was calling.

"Hello?" I said again but nothing. Weird. I thought to myself. I hang up the phone after 5 minutes of silence and went back in. "So, wanna tell us how are you exactly here?"

Damon frowned, "what? No hug for your big bro."

"I think it's clear who's my fav brother by now." I said looking between both of them but only smiled at Stefan. "Okay, very funny. Hilarious." Damon sighed and started telling us about everything that happened after he and Bonnie died. Or were supposed to die.

I was listening quietly because I had already made my discovery. But at the mention of his name, I snapped my head in Damon's direction.

"What did you just say?"

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