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1994, Portland, OregonSabrina's pov

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1994, Portland, Oregon
Sabrina's pov

"So....this is your home princess?" Kai asked, walking behind me. I turned around and nodded. "Yup and again.... don't call me princess."

"Ohh, come on we both know you like it." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say Parker."

"And by the way, you do know that I'm here to learn control and not whatever's in those books." He pointed his fingers at the books I was holding. "These" I looked down, "are for me, final tests are coming up soon and I wanna be ready." I turned around and used my key to open the door.

"And what's the point of graduation exactly? I mean you've lived more than 100 years and you worry about tests?" Kai rose his eyebrows, walking into the house. I shut the door and faced him. "The point is that I've not gotten a chance to graduate before because I got turned into a vampire-"

"And one day you just thought, hey I wanna graduate from university because I want my life to be similar to a boring human?"

"That and I needed to get away from my brother." I walked past Kai and into living room. "You have a brother?" He asked surprised, rising his eyebrows.

"2 actually."

"Are they?"

I nodded. "Yup, they're vampires."

"But you're a heretic?" He narrowed his eyes, staring at me. "Yes, they're my half brothers and now if you finished interrogating me, may we do what you came here for?"

"Right." He sat on the couch and smirked at me. "Let's start learning teach."

I have a feeling I won't enjoy this.

2012, today
Sabrina's pov

My door bell rang and I walked to the door, opening it. "Hey, sis." Stefan was standing there, I couldn't believe my eyes. I haven't seen him for 4 months.

"Stef." I said with excitement and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I missed you." He hugged me back tightly. "Me too Rina." Yeah, my brothers are calling me Rina. It's a childhood nickname.

"You can't just get lost like that, you didn't even called." I pouted, Stefan chuckled and put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry really but I just needed time to process everything. I didn't mean to leave you all alone though."

"It's okay." I reasured him and hugged him once again.

1994, Portland, Oregon
Sabrina's pov

"It's okay." I reasured Kai as he failed again to control his siphoning.

"It's never gonna work." He threw his hands up in the air and sat on the floor, looking defeated. I sighed and sat beside him.

"Kai." I started calmly, he quickly turned around and gave me a warning look, not to say anything about you'll learn eventually, it takes time speech. I couldn't help but chuckle.

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