Music in the Mini-bus

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The team was going on a beach day as a team building exercise and they had a free day. Tony had rented out a minibus so everyone could be all together.

Tony: Everyone in.

You climbed in with everyone else and sat with Peter. He was like your big brother and you loved him unconditionally. Nat sat with Clint, Tony sat with Steve,and Thor sat with Banner. You were going to be on the road for 2 hours until you all got to the beach. You and Peter sat at the back and listened to music. Your favourite song came on and started to hum to the music. Peter notied and nudged you to sing, he quickly changed the music to the karaoke version of Easy on me by adele.

He then took the headphones out as he knew it was easier without them. He was the only one who had ever heard you sing. (he caught you singing in the shower)

Steve: What is this song?

Nat: It is Adele's new song. I love it.

Thor: What does she sound like?

Nat: listen.

The music started and you had not noticed everyone talking and started singing when it was time

Thor: wow she is amazing

Nat: That is not her, though.

Steve: Who is it then?

Tony: FRI, who is singing?


Everyone turned around and looked at you, singing your heart out. You were in your own little world. Everyone was in awe. You then came back from your own headspace and heard clapping and cheering.

Clint: Why have you never sung before?

Banner: You are amazing.

You: thanks.


Marvel Oneshots  2022 (complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ