3 people

674 13 1

A/N: This is a long one, but I loved writing this one and is up in my top favourites. Hope you love it as much as I do. :)


Buck: Come on Stevie, I got us both dates to this event.

Steve: fine.

Steve and Bucky walked up to the carnival and there were 2 amazing ladies waiting for them. Steve stayed behind; he expected the 2 women to go off with Buck and forget about him, especially seeing that he could not go on the rides without throwing up.

They went over to them.

Bucky: Grace, Amy.

Grace: evening Sergeant Barnes,

Amy walked over to Steve.

amy: Hello, I assume you are Steve?

she asked, looking down at him.

steve: yes ma'am

amy: Well it is a pleasure to meet you. ready for tonight.

steve: If you want to go with Bucky you can, I understand.

any: now why would I do that?

She sassed

steve: because I can not go on any rides and he is usually the ladies man.

he said with a saddened tone. and Amy picked up on it.

amy: it is alright Steve, I don't like rides so we can just sit and talk.

steve: That sounds amazing.

bucky: alright which ride are we going on first?

steve: We both don't like rides so we are going to go and sit on the pier.

buck: you sure Stevie?

he asks with puppy dog eyes that make it hard for Steve to resist.

steve: Yes, I don't think we should push Amy to do something she does not want to do. Would you not agree, Buck?

bucky: fine enjoy stevie

steve: You too buck.

you walked down to the pier with Steve and hung your legs over the edge.

amy: So tell me a bit about yourself.

steve: Well I have a really bad immune system and I am short.

amy: I mean the good things, like are you a dancer?

steve: 2 left feet.

amy: can you draw?

steve: yeah.

amy: That is really nice, what do you draw?

steve: I like doing portraits but they take a lot of time so I also like doing the landscape.

They talk for a bit longer until Bucky and Grace come back.

bucky: What are you two talking about?

amy: Steve was just telling me about his drawing. I hear he is remarkable

bucky: that he is.

Bucky says looking lovingly at Steve. Steve was getting redder and redder.

steve: I would not say that, more ok.

bucky: What have we talked about Stevie?

steve: I know I know.

bucky: Anyway we just came to check in. We are thinking of just a few more rides then we are done.

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