New rules

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based off New Rules by Dua Lipa 

You were sitting in the avengers tower just scrolling through your phone when you heard crying. You ran to check that everything was ok. Outside was the entire team outside of Morgan's room. Where the crying came from.

Yn: hey what happened?

Tony: She went on a date with her boyfriend.

Pepper: then she locked herself in her room.

Steve: no one can get her to speak.

Nat: We all tried.

Wanda: We have all tried.

Yn: Let's see what I can do.

You walked up to the door and knocked.

Yn: Hey Angle, can you open up the door for me please?

Morgan: Is anyone else out there?

Yn: no it is just me.

Yn: everyone leave

You whisper to the others.

She slowly opened the door. As soon as you laid eyes on her you could see the red puffy eyes and her cheeks were stained with tears. Hair was now in a messy bun. You rushed in and gave her a hug. She started crying again. You pulled her onto her bed.

Yn: what is wrong Honey?

Morgan: He cheated on me.

Yn: oh Angle. I am so sorry.

Morgan: And I don't know what to do.

Yn: well you could get your amazing Aunty to go over and kick his booty, I am willing.

Morgan laughed.

Morgan: As much as I would like you to no. I just don't know how to get over him.

Yn: well 1, you don't pick up your phone you know he will only be calling because he's alone. 2, don't let him in youll have to kick him out again 3 don't be his friend.

Morgan: ok.

Yn: Now why don't we go get some Ice cream and have an auntie, niece day.

Morgan: Cool, can aunt Nat and Wanda come.

Yn: I am sure they would be thrilled to come. Maybe don't tell them about Jake otherwise they will go and kill him.

Morgan: hahaha yeah.


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