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Challenge No.80 - Full Moon.

A full moon looms in the air.

What effect does it have on the Earth below?


It had rained just enough to flood the valley; the sun had emerged long enough to start the drying process and now the full moon was out bathing the place in just enough light to navigate through the bushes. Conditions were perfect for crab hunting. Max, Will, Ellis and Fred were on the prowl to catch as many as they could.

They'd laid their traps, now set a bonfire, pulled out pre-cut bits of pork and set it to roast. In the light of the moon, the glow of the fire and the warmth of the rum they'd brought, the young men sat and chatted.

"Good night for crabs," Will said.

"We should get lots." Max concurred.

"Good night for werewolves," Ellis announced.

"Say what now?" Fred demanded.

"You know werewolves! People bitten by one, turn into one at full moon. Like the one we have tonight." He looked up.

Fred groaned. "Two little days you spend in America to visit your mother and you come back with werewolves."

"That not ready yet! Pass me a piece of pork. You and your werewolves." Will reached over.

"Boy! You doh know that Saint Lucia doh have werewolves!" Max interjected.

"No Caribbean Island, have." Will augmented the statement as he munched.

"Ah! Not true! Lagahoo lives in Trinidad and is a shapeshifter, so it could be a wolf." Ellis defended.

"Lagahoo is Lagahoo and is not a werewolf." Fred was adamant.

"In that case, may as well say soucouyant is one too! I mean, if is shape we shifting. They shed their skin to go flying about." Will said.

"And I'm sure they see better on a full moon too!" Max burst out laughing.

"Wha wrong wit allu," Fred emphasized. "Werewolf is werewolf. Lagahoo is Lagahoo. Soucouyant is soucouyant. Crab is crab, crab is not crayfish. So, stop mixing up things!"

"Just now Ellis will start on Moongazer." Max accused.

"Well, why not? He comes out at full moon too!" Ellis retorted.

"Because Saint Lucia doh have Moongazer! Moongazer lives in Guyana! Allu making my head hurt!" Fred said.

"I think is time to check on the traps," Max stated.

"For sure." Fred stood.

They put on the fire and in the pale light they set out. Will was right, it was a good night for crab catching. Soon their bags were full.

"What's that?" Will indicated ahead.

"No idea." Max peered.

"Moongazer." Ellis identified the unusually tall shadow that had straddled the path ahead, looking up at the moon.

"Two coconut trees." Fred countered.

"Then you walk under it." Ellis dared. "Just remember, that if you try to pass under his legs, he will shut them fast and will crush you to death."

"But Saint Lucia doh have Moongazer!" Fred insisted but took no step forward.

"So, I say again...What's that?" Will repeated.

"I doh know an I doh wanna know," Max admitted.

"I know a shortcut."

"Amen!" Max said.

They never found out what it was.

© 19 May 2022

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