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Challenge No. 65 - A Different Match.

Start a retelling of a classic tale* in which the romantic pairings of characters are altered.


Gather round boys and girls, guys and dolls, ladies and gentlemen and let me tell you the story of Satviri and Satyavan, of a love so strong, a love so deep that it defined the Gods.

For many years the King of the Madra Kingdom, Ashwapati, and his consort Malavika remained childless. Over the years they made many offerings and prayers to the Sun God Savitr and they live a pious life. One day they are blessed and Savitr tells the King that they will have a child - a daughter.

And it comes to pass that a daughter is born. In tribute and gratitude, they name their daughter Satviri after the Sun God Savitr who had blessed them.

When the Gods favour and bless, they do not do so in halves. Satviri grew up to be the most beautiful woman in the land. When she came of age to marry many suitors came for her hand. Merchants and Princes, Judges and Soldiers they all came. But when they met the beautiful Satviri their courage failed and they went away.

Desperate, the King allowed his daughter to be the one to pick her husband. Satviri made her plans, she climbed into her chariot and her quest began. She searched valleys and mountains but found no one. Desert and seas, but found no one. Savannas and forests and it is in the forest that she met the woodsman, Satyavan.

She sat with him and they talked and as they talked their love grew. He told her the tale of his father, the king who had been betrayed and blinded and lost his kingdom. Now, with his parents, Satyavan lived in the forest and took care of them.

Satviri told her father of Satyavan, but the palace seer told of the prophecy that in one year Satyavan would be dead. Still, Satviri insisted and she married her true love, Satyavan. Satviri joined Satyavan in the forest to care for his parents.

And so it came to pass that after months of joy Satyavan did die and God of Death Yama came for him. But Satviri did not want him to go. But Yama took him.

For days Satviri followed Yama until he granted her one wish.

"I wish for Satyavan's father to see again."

"Done! Now be gone!"

Still, she followed until Yama gave her another wish.

"I wish for Satyavan's father to have his kingdom returned to him."

"Done! Now be gone!"

Still, she followed until Yama gave her a third wish. "This is the last."

"I wish to have many children."

"Done! Now be gone!"

"But I am pledged only to Satyavan. I can be with no other. What am I to do?"

Yama spotted the trick. But he was a God and knew all. "You are pregnant with four girls and four boys. Plenty enough. Now be gone! Where we go is not for the living."

Satviri sat and cried.

© 4 May 2022

Author's Note

In the classic tale, Satviri's last wish traps Yama and he releases Satyavan - for how else can the granted wish be fulfilled?

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