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Challenge No.78 - How to Haunt a House.

Write a scene that takes place inside a haunted house.


Ben and Jerry stood in the shadows observing the mansion.

"This is where you want to rob?" Ben hissed.



Jerry turned toward his brother. "What'd you mean, no!"

"The place is haunted."

Jerry glared at him. "A little old lady lives there, epi dazit."

"It's haunted." Ben insisted.

Jerry snorted. "A grown man like you?! You going to stand there and tell me about haunted houses?"

Ben just hardened his jaw.

Jerry dragged him by the shirt sleeve. "Come!"

With no great enthusiasm, Ben followed. Keeping to the hedge the two men crept closer. There was hardly any moonlight and the power company had yet to come to fix the street light that the brothers had stoned.

"You sure, Ma McIntyre lives alone," Ben whispered.

"What wrong with you?! You live in the place just like me. You doh know that Elsa McIntyre is eighty-six and lives alone!"

"She could have family visiting."

That gave Jerry a moment's pause. Then. "Nahhhh she'd have told mum."


All doubt now dispelled; they picked the lock to the kitchen door. The soft click announced the success. They pushed it and it swung open silently.

"Nice." Jerry was pleased.

"Laptop." Ben pointed to the counter.

"We'll take it on the way out."


"The Boss said the stamp collection is in the library." Jerry headed for the door.

"Ow!" Ben screeched.

"Shut up! You wanna wake the old lady?!" Jerry hissed.

"Something hit me!"

"Do not start!"

"I'm telling you."

"Enough! Now come on!"

Using their flashlights they navigated their way through the house, found the library and entered. The lights went on flooding the room.

"Turn it off! Somebody will see!" Jerry ordered in a low voice.

"Wasn't me!" Ben defended.

"I'm warning you. You will get us caught!"

"Wasn't me!" Ben insisted.

Jerry reached over and flipped the switch. The light remained on. He switched it on and off several times. The light remained on.

The two men exchanged looks.

"Told ya."

"Bah. Come-on."

The TV came on and the movie blared. Old lady McIntyre seemed to like her shows loud.

"The remote!" Jerry ordered, but they couldn't find it.

Ben pulled the plug. The silence felt just as loud. They stood still, listening to hear if anyone was moving about. But no one did.

"I'm cold." Steam emanated from Ben as he spoke. The temperature in the room had plummeted. Now the men were chattering. Then they heard the roar and saw the spectre as it revealed to them their greatest fear. They had heard, felt and now seen enough. No stamp collection was worth this torment. They ran out of the place howling like banshees

"Ezra? Is that you?" A frail female voice called out.

The ghost approached her with love and care. "Elsa, why are you out of bed at this time of night? Come."

"I thought I heard a noise." She allowed Ezra to lead her back.

"Just ghosts." He replied. "Just ghosts."

© 17 May 2022

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